I Wanna Escape The Manor

Creators: Emmanating, chalenged

Average Rating
9.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
62.8 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (5) Gimmick (8) Boss (8) Secrets (3) Puzzle (6) Platforming (1) Sideways_Gravity (2) moleYo (2) Collectathon (3) TradingCards (1) Logic_Puzzle (2) Riddle_Puzzle (2) Sideway_Gravity (1) hub (1)


  • by Verve
  • by Verve
  • by Verve
  • by Verve
  • by Verve
  • by Bob

Creator's Comments:

Emmanating [Creator]
Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Puzzle Platforming Collectathon Logic_Puzzle Riddle_Puzzle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 10, 2022

28 Reviews:

rating and difficulty based on any% - will give a more detailed review when I finish 100%

As a gimmick enjoyer, I really appreciate that the difficulty lies more in the gimmick use and combination than in using the gimmick to do overly precise tricks (e.g. upside down gate). Even the more input salad-y saves have enough leeway that it's more a matter of figuring out what to do and executing than tight timing. The way the gimmicks are used is very creative, and the level design flows well.The visuals, music and bosses are also neat.

I didn't stray much to collect shinies, so I can't opine on that until I finish 100 %

Overall would highly recommend to fellow gimmick enjoyers - preferably on a keyboard!

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Secrets Sideways_Gravity moleYo Collectathon
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 60 60
May 19, 2023
What an amazing game. Aside from the incredible platforming using really creative and fun gimmicks, this game really shines in the secret hunting. I did 100% almost completely blind, and would recommend you do the same. Every puzzle had a big "Ah ha!" moment where I suddenly got it, and it was super fun to figure them all out. I would recommend everyone play this as unspoiled as possible. I can't say much more without giving thing away, so I'll just say that this easily ranks among the best experiences I've had in fangames.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Puzzle
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 25, 2022
Super fun, super unique game with one really annoying boss (which makes 100% ungodly terrible imo) and some puzzles that are super difficult but always felt like my fault when I didn't process them - except one. Anyone who has played the game knows the one they took forever to realize. That being said, it was still probably my favorite part of the game anyways.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Secrets Puzzle
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Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 67 67
Dec 12, 2022
A bit of a weirdo game, but god damn is the quality good. The gimmicks are absolutely fantastic, some of the most creative stuff I've ever seen in any fangame and executed really well. After being amazed by the plunger stage, I thought that that was it, but nope, the gravitylands with the 3D insanity was sick. Of course, the skateboard was also great, most satisfying to pull off out of the 3 imo. I will say that I found the constantly changing gravity combined with vines to be really confusing in an annoying way, but it wasn't anything that bad.
One thing I did find bad were the bosses, which were just really tedious due to them being significantly easier than the platforming sections yet also being longer. I beat the crab first try and the tack shooter took me quite a few because I would die at some random death and then have to slowly kill him again. It's just boring. They could work for an easier game, but they're out of place here.
As for secrets, I was able to do some, but searching for the moles was more frustrating than interesting. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but the minesweeper section desperately needed some tutorial. I have played hundreds of hours of minesweeper in other games and I would have never guessed it was that. I'm not a big fan of riddle puzzles in general, so this type of secret hunting wasn't for me, so, keep that in mind.
Overall, very good fangame with somewhat lacking bosses that are more than made up for by the amazing gimmicks.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 55 55
May 13, 2022
This game can be separated into 2 parts: The platforming and the secret hunting.
The former is really fun, each stage has a nice variety of gimmicks which serve to complement one main gimmick and I thought they were utilized very ingeniously in general, creating some very interesting and unique movements. Each stage has a boss too, they are pretty easy and other than 1 not really noteworthy. There are many secrets sprinkled throughout the screens which are usually fairly easy to find but hidden enough to make it satisfying when you find them. They take the form of moleYos (which actually play a critical role in the lore of the game) and fangame trading cards, which are probably the most adorable collectibles I've ever seen in a fangame.

You get an ending after beating the main stages, and if you don't care about secret hunting you might as well quit here because you don't really get much more gameplay after it. The secrets basically consist of a set of cryptic images that hint you at different places in the stages where you can obtain the keys to the true ending. It feels kinda hopeless at first but it feels very satisfying as you slowly make progress into all the different puzzles. You can also warp between saves, making it not annoying to revisit the stages.

I definitely was not expecting spending more time secret hunting than actually playing fun gimmick needle when going into this game, but it sure happened and I really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend this game for gimmick needle enjoyers, and if you are up for a few extra hours of head scratching after that going for the true end will surely be worth your time.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Puzzle Sideways_Gravity
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Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 65 65
Nov 10, 2021