30 Reviews:
Absolutely fucking amazing avoidance, even though its not perfect it still manages to outperform anything else made at the current point. Definitely reccommended, however do not go in with a wrong mindset, otherwise you'll most likely mald, just accept that if something is not working you are most likely doing it wrong in the first place.
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 92 92
Aug 13, 2022
This game does have some flaws, but I'd say this is so much better than most avoidances despite the fact that the game has them. I can't say this was the best avoidance I've ever played but still it's for sure top tier, I had so much fun and also struggles
for the reference 1 being this which had happened more than 10 times to me https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978969981150707752/979359345244508160/nenemashi.mp4?size=4096
and 2 being this which had happened only once but still annoying https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/276370374755614720/979750945455996988/m.mp4?size=4096
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for the reference 1 being this which had happened more than 10 times to me https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978969981150707752/979359345244508160/nenemashi.mp4?size=4096
and 2 being this which had happened only once but still annoying https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/276370374755614720/979750945455996988/m.mp4?size=4096
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 95 95
May 29, 2022