14 Reviews:
opinion a los juegos sudoku hola gente de delicious fruit soy diego941 Bueno. hoy les traigo una nueva review para mi perfil y es una opinion a los juegos sudoku Bueno. sin nada mas que decir comencemos . Kevin MacLeod - Scheming Weasel que son los juego sudoku? Bueno. los juegos sudoku son un genero que vienen de los juegos hechos por fans del juego i wanna be the guy de que los usuarios lo hacen todo mal hecho y a modo de chiste . de que tratan estos juegos? Bueno. en realidad pueden tratar de cualquier cosa, para ser honesto . Bueno. en conclucion los juegos sudoku son bastante graciosos, pero hay otros que son bastante malos . Bueno gente esta fue mi review , dale like, subscribete ,comenta que te parecio y activa la campanita para que te notifique cuando suba Bueno. eso es todo adios y hasta la proxima fin
muchas gracias por el regalo me encantó te quedó espectacular :D
This game has apples!
[6] Likes
muchas gracias por el regalo me encantó te quedó espectacular :D
This game has apples!
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 45 45
Feb 7, 2022
I laughted a lot with this fangame, after years I played a sudoku game and has been very fun lol
m de rico
[2] Likes
m de rico
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 45 45
Nov 11, 2022
WARNING: Unlike my other reviews, this one is biased.
Chaotic sudoku game filled with inside jokes only a handful of people will get, I don't think the language barrier is a problem here, I think not understanding the gags and references adds up to the fun factor.
[2] Likes
Chaotic sudoku game filled with inside jokes only a handful of people will get, I don't think the language barrier is a problem here, I think not understanding the gags and references adds up to the fun factor.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 46 46
Feb 5, 2022
Your typical sudoku game, but it has a lot more production value than most of the games in this genre. It's very random but in a good way. Some gimmicks like the car crash gimmick were simple but intuitive.
The game also drops the F-word in one screen so beware if you are streaming and have it so that the gray text boxes from Game Maker show up on the stream. The rest of the game is fine to stream.
[1] Like
The game also drops the F-word in one screen so beware if you are streaming and have it so that the gray text boxes from Game Maker show up on the stream. The rest of the game is fine to stream.
Rating: 7.2 72
Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 5, 2022