13 Reviews:
Let me Observe, Verve, the engine you Serve...
To give the praise you Deserve, all my energy I Conserve.
Cars will Swerve, as I shout from the roof of the Federal Reserve;
Waiters I'll Unnerve, as I proclaim over Hors d'oeuvres!
I'll tell them all, Verve, that when it comes to GMS 1.4, my sanity you Preserve.
Love, Derve
[22] Likes
To give the praise you Deserve, all my energy I Conserve.
Cars will Swerve, as I shout from the roof of the Federal Reserve;
Waiters I'll Unnerve, as I proclaim over Hors d'oeuvres!
I'll tell them all, Verve, that when it comes to GMS 1.4, my sanity you Preserve.
Love, Derve
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: N/A
Feb 6, 2022
This is the definitive engine for anyone using Studio 1.4. With amazing things such as good moving solids (holy shit!), a powerful new trigger system, and a better save system - just to name a few of the HUNDREDS of quality of life features in this engine - this is just a straight upgrade over YoYoYo, designed to make things much easier for the maker. It's a must have in anyone's toolkit.
[10] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 0 0
Feb 6, 2022
If you want to use a Studio engine, use either this engine or RedBatNick engine. Both have great features. If you want something that has less built-in gimmicks but lots of quality of life and convenience features, go with this one.
[2] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Feb 6, 2022