
Creator: 小路 綾

Average Rating
4.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
85.4 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (4) Boss (3) Long (3)


  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
  • by mlisgood
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Creator's Comments:

KomichiAya [Creator]
This is my first "I wanna" fangame, a little long and difficult, and maybe there are some unreasonable places, although I have tried my best to test the whole game.
I'll try my best to reply everyone in this comment. If there are impossible places, please give me feedback and I'll fix it soon. For any questions or suggestions, please contact with: [email protected]. (´・ω・`)
The last screen of extra stage is a space shooter game likes stage 3-9, but it has 2 avoid stages and 2 bosses instead. This stage is very hard, and there is a save file which can jump to this screen directly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q11GLHVGd7iPUSvhSu21UUjOfLgaj4r2/view?usp=share_link
And now I'm very happy that I can see the video that someone have beaten this extra game. Thanks a lot.
To Gaborro さん:(2023/5/30)If I have enough time in the future, and struggle out of the difficulties in life now(´・ω・`)... I want to make a remake version of this game. An easier one with less generic needles. I'm sorry that you have spent a lot of time on this game(an uninteresting game), but... I have watched the video of final stage. Thanks a lot.
(The past comments)Several days ago I was surprised to find that someone has beaten this game and has written a very detailed comment. I didn't think it's possible for me in the past and when I found that I'm very happy. Now I also found some videos about this game on Youtube, although not many for now. But today (2022/11/02) when I want to write something about this, this comment (and most of others) disappeared. The reason maybe the maintenance some days ago. Although it disappeared... Thanks a lot. Now I find that all the effort in this game is worth it.
(Now all comments seem to be back... (๑╹◡╹๑) (Poor English...) When I started to make this game, I just tended to make a simple taikyou game (or avoid?) likes the final boss of "I wanna kill the kamilia 3". But then I played a game named Rabi-Ribi and then I wanted to make an adventure game like this. However, since I had played I wanna games for several years, most of them were early works with genetic needles. I'm lack of spatial imagination and don't really know how to make cool needles like "I wanna be the arcfox needle" and so on. Also I wanted to improve my game technology at that time, then I found some document about needles (mostly in http://necoroneko.web.fc2.com/spike.html) and started to make it. For boss part, I wanted to make someting like Rabi-Ribi, so I refered to the style of bosses in the game, with a shooting stage and an avoiding stage. For rhythm part, I thought a lot about how to make mini games, then "Oh! Dance Dance Revolution seems cool!" and then I immediately began to seach materials like arrows and then used PS to handle them and draw backboard and so on. The next two games are just my own little thoughts...Part 2 (fruit eating) seems too annoying...
The first problems, genetic needles. Please forgave me for my poor skill... And the second problems, the game is too difficult. I have died 218582 times and spent 196h47min36s to test it (there are even some cheat because of testing). Now I'm suffering from some mental problems (just a little) and having no energy to remake this game, but at least I can make an easy version, without any very difficult needles.
Lastly, thanks for supporting this game. Such things like "my game has been beaten by someone", they are the biggest rewards for me. Although it's not a good game. Although many people dislike it. Thanks.
To yangshuoen さん: I have never got a such high rating. Thanks a lot. Although there are many problems in this game... But now I fell much better, for some prople still support this game. (´・ω・`)
To Cosmoing さん: Firstly, thanks for providing tags for this game. I'm a little sad that I got a score with 0.1 which is your worst rating. I don't know what does "a dozen extremely long bosses" refer to, for bosses like 1-5, they are a bit long but not immutable. And for middle bosses like 2-4, I don't think it matches this description but maybe you won't play this game anymore.(´・ω・`) There are a lot of problems in this game, but "It is honestly unbelievable to me that a human being could have made this game"...a little sad. Maybe I should remove this game later and then leave this circle(I don't know how to say it in English. Community?). Sorry to give you all the painful memories. (´;ω;`) (´;ω;`) (´;ω;`)
To BigBlungus_Real さん: I have tested all of the stages during making and after that I have also tried my best to retest it to ensure that there are no mechanical problems. For the difficulty, I couldn't finish games like I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 EZ which is 68, but I could clear some a little bit hard games like I wanna Sunspike which is 73.5(Except boss), and I could finish this game, so I gave it a score with 65. For the stages, I agree with that there are a lot of problems in needle stages. Maybe I understand something wrong(I think the rhythm game stages are most interesting ones in this game but obviously it doesn't seem like that) and I 'm not suitable for making "I wanna" fangames. All in all, thanks a lot for your advise and providing tags for this game(until today I thought there will be no new comments any more)(๑╹◡╹๑)
To p00ksさん: Thanks a lot for your advice. This is a common problem of GM8/GM8.1. I have thought about this during making, but that time I have finished Middle Stage so it will take a lot of time, including coding and retesting. Retesting is a hard and time-consuming process, so I gave up. Maybe I could solve this problem in the future. ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━
To ferrarityyさん: Thanks for your support.(๑`・ᴗ・´๑) I have played "I wanna" games for several years, except hard ones like "I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 3". Then I planned to make a new one which contains 5 stages and 5 bosses like "I wanna Dream". But after that I found a very cute but difficult game named "Rabi-Ribi", then I planned to make mine like this too, a kawaii(cute) but a little hard one(I even didn't know what is "align" at that time). I didn't expect so many levels made now...(*´∀`) It took almost 9 months (from 7/20, 2021 to 4/24, 2022) to make this game, including making(finding and editing resources, and making bosses took a lot of time) and testing(about 2/3 of the total time).
To BigBlungus_Realさん: About the sprite, I have played a game named "I Wanna Maiden2.EN.Green", so that I want to make a game without kid but the other palces are not different from an orthodox "I wanna" game. About each savepoint, the difficulty is actually balanced because the longer the path is, the easier the needles will be. About the problem of janky, it's difficult for me to make the effect and so on as pretty as other games now, and I'm glad to remake it if I can in the future. I have added some new mechanics for bosses and mini games but maybe it's too simple or poor for everyone except me(;▽;)... About the difficulty, I have planned to make an easy version for it in the future because I'm having little free time now... Finally, about the size, the game is 198mb and the remain part is the project file of this game in the folder named "Source Code", and I can't reduce the size because of the limitation of gamemaker8.1 and a large amount of resources. Maybe I have misunderstood the rules, have used outdated technology to make this game, and haven't got enough spatial conception ability(espicially for the needles). Thanks for your useful advice...(My English is poor so please forgive me if there is something wrong with the syntax or expression)(*゚∀゚*)
To tpdlfjさん: I'll be glad if you could tell me why this game is so terrible and then I can improve it (´;ω;`)

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[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 80 80
Apr 27, 2022

8 Reviews:

Was excited for Rabi-Ribi themed fangame. Instead, I found 500 screens of very difficult needle with a dozen extremely long bosses that could be good with some balance. It is so much of the same thing that it doesn't even feel real, it feels like an alien creation. It's not even worth a godmode playthrough.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss Long
[5] Likes
Rating: 0.1 1       Difficulty: 90 90
May 15, 2022
Edit (extra included)

Rating now includes extra, not really changing it from 4.5. Difficulty including extra would probably be an 85. The extra needle is mostly uninteresting and keeps the same "random generic needle styles" formula throughout, but the screens are harder than those in the main game.

There is one jump in this stage that requires very precise inputs and you have the choice of either getting a good valign or doing a bhop. This is the hardest jump in the game by far and also the most annoying to pull off. It is also the reason why I didn't up the rating.

The reason why I did consider making the rating 5.0 is the extra final boss. It is a sideways shmup just like the one in the normal game, with 10 hp and the shields mechanic, but divided into 4 phases that have to be done in just one save. A wave of enemies, then a boss, then a harder wave of enemies, and then another boss. While the HP makes this really easy, I found this to be the most fun boss in the entire game.

End of extra edit (below is the rest of the original review)

It's been a while since I played this but I still think this game deserves a rating from someone who actually went through the entire game. It's a really long (like really long) needle game with some bosses to spice things up.

The kicker is that the bosses actually do spice things up a lot because the needle is really tough and very generic in a unique way. I want to elaborate on this because it seems to make no sense but I have no other way to describe it.
For most people, "generic" is mostly a negative but I have never been against this kind of needle, like yeah, I won't give games that have this style that high of a rating because I have clearly seen cooler stuff, but at the same time when I play it I usually don't feel anything negative about it.
This is weirdly generic because not only does it pull off multiple (probably all of them) of the needle styles that would fall under the Generic tag, but also expands on them somehow, even to the point of bringing some weird gimmick around half of the game that fits with it; it introduces almost every named jump and most of the fangame quirks like bhops, ad align, hfpi; I mean, it even uses wrong solid-killer collision; some of the screens go by quickly but there are also gigantic screens that are like 8x8 screens long or something, and there are many screens where the maker was clearly trying to fill in everything with gameplay, sometimes using triggers for this objective; this maker went all in, which to me, added to the curiosity and therefore made me want to get as far as I could.

The bosses surprised me because I have to divide them in two categories for this review; shooting and rhythm games (yeah)

When it comes to the shooting bosses, you are given 5 HP (except for one of them) and 3 shields that regenerate overtime; the first halve of the shooting bosses are extremely easy due to this, because the attacks are pretty simple and you can basically fuck around and beat them without using most of this stuff.
The second halve of the bosses is way harder, and the bosses actually have tough attacks, most of them with big chances of having pretty annoying RNG that would make you think the shields finally have use. Here comes the details which I think ruin it in general for almost all the bosses: the bosses have a ridiculous amount of HP, and while you have autofire, its firerate is locked and it is not that good.
For the first halve of the bosses, it is not that offensive, but it does make them boring to go through for most people, although I still had some fun because I was just playing around in most of them.
For the second halve it is very annoying and I will give my take on shields in general to give my reasoning; I think Rabi-Ribi shields are probably good because the bosses seem to introduce attacks that, while tough, are predictable in nature, even if there is RNG involved in them (not sure if there is but I don't think RNG invalidates shields anyways). This means that you can realize that you are about to make a mistake or you might make one, and you can then press the button. As I mentioned, the second halve of the bosses have some annoying RNG where bullets will change directions or stutter while close to the player. This makes the attacks very unpredictable, and you never actually know when you have to use a shield to avoid a hit; this forces you to use the shields in specific spots, and if you ever find yourself using them in some other place, then just leave it to luck to not get hit I guess; this makes them stupid and rather pointless.
The only bosses I liked on the second halve were the space shooter and the final boss.
The space shooter gives you 10 HP instead, which ends up balancing it pretty well, even for the long time it takes.
The final boss is of the incremental type, which honestly works better than just going attack by attack with the things you are given; the attacks in this boss all add up to be really fun and it always feels like you are in control and you can tell what you are doing.

Towards the end of section 2, a middle section is introduced that has 3 subsections. Each of them have their platforming, but they all end with a rhythm game instead of a boss. While they have the same gameplay of a rhythm game, they really don't go with the music. The first and third one would benefit from being able to change controls in game, since I found the default ones to be uncomfortable for my hands. The second one would have benefited from more visual tells because this one uses an insane amount of keys for my liking, and it is hard to tell which key represents which row when they are all so close together. They all would benefit from lasting a lot less time, since they are very repetitive and way more boring than the first halve of bosses, especially with no rhythm; if you have no coordination for these games, you will suffer like me, but most will get through easily most likely.

The thing that kept me going is the feeling of neverending length combined with the fact that this game had some interesting stuff in it that somehow just kept being a surprise, even if not that impressive. The "I just wanna play the needle game" series has a similar feeling, yet stays pretty much repetitive the entire way. This game not only made me ask "how much longer can it keep going?" but also "what will this person do next?". Even if the genre is not as interesting for most people, barely any fangames provide both of these feelings at the same time.

Recommended if you care about this type of experience.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 80 80
Aug 27, 2022
I would say it has potential, but there's so many problems with this game. The save balance is all over the place, one screen is completely free, other one is just a pure bullshit. I understand it's a rabi-ribi/I Wanna fangame, but Erina's sprite doesn't work with a needle game in my opinion. I didn't finish playing this game because of the difficulty spikes, but this is still a cool and original first game and I hope the creator will fix the problems or create something new, but not that hard and janky. Also 370 mb seems quite a lot for a fangame.

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Tagged as: Needle
[2] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 27, 2022
So I would like to clear things up, I did not beat this game but I did play a lot of the game, I also did skip a few things. I can't remember what stage it was, but there was a stage with a bunch of slopes and a lot of precision needle, I skipped that stage. I also skipped the rhythm game stages since they were poorly implemented and I simply did not care. (Some things I also skipped out of boredom, but that's about it.) The game is way too long and everything is the same despite slightly different gimmicks being introduced here and there as well as there being differently themed stages.. Regardless of that, everything else in regards to level design just feels the same. Alot of the later stages have absolutely terrible visuals and sometimes I question whether or not the maker actually tested their game because they're giving their own game a 65 which is complete bullshit. This is not a 65 difficulty needle game in any capacity regardless of how good you are at the game, it is objectively not a 65 difficulty game. This game could have been amazing if the maker knew how to make anything other than the same exact kind of corridor needle, and the game could have better benefited from not being a hardass needle game. Also the bosses are the highlights of the game, I wouldn't mind a full game in this style with only bosses.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Boss Long
[1] Like
Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: 90 90
May 15, 2022
it doesn't really look like a fangame.

If you answer all the reviews, I would be interested to know how you came up with the idea to create something like this, and how long it took you.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 27, 2022