14 Reviews:
For a game that was thrown together in a few hours (most of which I assume were spent making the graphics), it's not as bad as you'd expect.
It is extremely short with only 3 screens of content, and as the other reviews mention, the second save in the game is a good chunk harder than the rest of it, but it's at least somewhat competently assembled overall.
It is extremely short with only 3 screens of content, and as the other reviews mention, the second save in the game is a good chunk harder than the rest of it, but it's at least somewhat competently assembled overall.
Tagged as: Needle
[2] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 51 51
Aug 11, 2022
Could have been much, much worse. I think people take needle games for granted these days. Sure, this isn’t by any means a great needle game or an ultra-enjoyable experience overall, but it isn’t godawful and I feel like a lot of needle players take that for granted. In the age of crimson needle 3, vandal, volatile presence, morning dew, untitled needle game etc., it’s hard to accept anything that isn’t pristine quality and has incredible production value. I think the world of needle games is better with games like this and other simple, not too difficult needle games to help balance out and not saturate the waters of the needle genre from the explosive artsy masterpieces we get every once in a while.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 30, 2023
The hard jump in save 2 is more fun than the rest of the game.
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 11, 2022
Difficulty is purely because of second save having a super precise jump, otherwise it would be around 40.
A very very short needle game (3-4 screens, I forgot to count) with no real balance. Not particularly bad but way too short to be anything.
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A very very short needle game (3-4 screens, I forgot to count) with no real balance. Not particularly bad but way too short to be anything.
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 11, 2022