Selected Needle Works 21-23

Creator: TheJPEGDemon

Average Rating
7.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
81.9 / 100
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Needle (6) Gimmick (4) Visual_Challenge (2) artistic_vision (1) long-save (1) long_save (1)


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Creator's Comments:

TheJPEGDemon [Creator]
my best solo project

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 80 80
Apr 2, 2023

11 Reviews:

The creator's greatest solo project, a personal belief of theirs that I myself can attest to, acts as one also somewhat indicative of the times in the community. Unfortunately, it represents the time through the fact that no one really played it, there wasn't much of a fuss about it on release and to this day you don't really find anyone talking about it. In short, the community seems to be tired of these truly difficult needle games, and furthermore don't have as much room for the quiet, evocative releases like this one. There, for example, wasn't much discussion of avgustine's latest solo project, nor that of biogom's recent effort - both games very much worth your time, but games that captured few people's attention. For the latter release, one can draw similarities between this and that game as they're both simply too difficult for most people to easily approach. As such, it's hard to kind of blame anyone for missing out on this game or biogom's, but nevertheless it's a great shame indeed.

Yes, Selected Needle Works is quite difficult, representative of the sort of base level of difficulty for most needle games of this ilk, that of the more artistically inclined. I will say, this is probably the most difficult of the bunch within this vague genre type I've tried to briefly pin down here, but for those of us willing to chew on something like this, it proves to be more of a boon than anything. Setting aside the difficulty, there's also some outright malignant design choices throughout the game, malignant of course to get across a certain emotional concept rather than just as a screw you to the player. If you view long saves as a malignant decision in this respect, then there's plenty of that, but you'll also find a few stages designed around the concept of obfuscation - stages where it's difficult to truly see what you're doing if not almost impossible unless you really focus. I'm sure some will find it frustrating, but I find the way it's implemented to be far more thoughtful than that.

I will not attempt to pin down any themes within the game, but there is obviously intent behind a lot of the design throughout the game - and even beyond that obvious intent and what the creator is trying to convey, this effort lends itself to memorable imagery that you just won't find other makers creating. I mean, I cannot point to any other person's style that is truly similar to what Theo makes here. One can make comparisons to Morning Dew or that of dopamine's games, but certain aesthetic choices give the game a unique flair that in turn makes it undeniably Theo in nature. Particular highlights would be the stage somewhat based around roots covering jumps or, in particular, the second screen to the Tree of Life stage.

Insofar as the quality of the needle is concerned, it is absolutely rock solid. There is perhaps one jump I could point to as problematic insofar as myself is concerned, but I think it is through no fault of the implementation and instead merely that I just fundamentally dislike the idea (you'll find the jump in the stage based strongly around platforms, and you'll likely know exactly what jump I mean when you get to it). Nevertheless, one jump versus the many throughout the game? Well, it's a good batting average, I'll put it like that. I cannot claim to absolutely adore everything in the game, there is certainly variance in quality; on the subject, there inevitably will be a level of variance to this game that you won't find in others, a small lack in coherence inherent to the game's creation.

Selected Needle Works 21-23, it's a literal name, being made up of various screens and stages made throughout these years, and as such you'll get essentially a collage of the creator's journey throughout the years. With that in mind, the game really does have some surprising sense of cohesion, but it does not play like a game composed from beginning to end, more like one pieced together to form a whole - and that is not a critique! I find that this method of transcription tends to bring about particularly interesting and varied experiences, and while I will not claim that this is one of the most varied games I've ever played - it mostly boils down to longform needle along with some light gimmicks and experimentation strewn about, I won't claim that it is one of the most varied games ever, but I can't really claim any one stage as being totally alike another.

With all that in mind, it's clear that I have a lot of respect for this game. Certainly, there is some bias inherent to my feelings given that I am friends with the creator, but I promise you that none of what I say is meant to butter them up purely because of that reason. Whether I knew them well or absolutely hated them, I would not be able to deny the high quality of this release, one of the top releases of 2023 so far. Please, if you can handle the difficulty of this game, you owe it to yourself to give this game a try. I promise you won't find another game like it.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 83 83
Jul 17, 2023
[RU] Приключения по планете Artistic-Vision игр продолжаются,
к сожалению.

Сколько бы таких игр я не играл, они всё ещё не перестают удивлять. И это, по идее, плюс для игры, но нет.
Да, эта игра удивляет. Тем, как она руинится об какую-то фигню. Практически каждый стейдж был испорчен уходом в какой-то жуткий артхаус.

Тут есть неплохие стейджи в плане качества нидла (которые порой тоже становятся пыткой из-за какого-то говна в конце сейва), но увы, мало.
Могу оправдать такой себе триггер нидл тем, что просто его надо выучить и всё будет весело, но у меня это не сработало. Возникало такое ощущение, что я играл в плохой Adventure с миллиардом ловушек на квадратный миллиметр.

Ну всё это ничто по сравнению с визуальными решениями.
Любите искусство Малевича? Эта игра для вас.
Любите темноту? Эта игра для вас.
Любите тест Роршаха? Эта игра для вас.
Любите сидеть без света? Эта игра для вас
и тд и тп.

Я конечно понимаю, что такому тупому быдло, как я, тяжело понимать всякие ГЕНИАЛЬНЫЕ визуальные решения, но когда ты банально не видишь куда прыгать - это уже просто п****ц полный. Почему игрок должен выкручивать яркость монитора на максимум чтобы хоть что-то увидеть на экране? Почему игрок должен вглядываться в каждый пиксель и ориентироваться в пространстве по крови на шипах? Почему просто нельзя было сделать сносный простенький тайлсет и оставить такой нидл? Я правда не понимаю.

С каждым новым стейджем эта игра становилась только хуже и хуже. И это грустно

Наверное не стоит выставлять низкий рейтинг игре, ибо наверняка найдутся любители и эта игра была просто изначально не для меня, тем не менее я считаю, что любые мнения должны иметь право на существование и они должны быть заметны
Поставлю такую сложность только из-за того, что на экране ни черта не видно.

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Tagged as: Needle Visual_Challenge
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 87 87
Jun 14, 2024
I abstain from giving this game a proper rating because it's clear to me that this game does not cater to anyone's specific tastes, and certainly not me. It helped me learn what all I like and dislike in needle, as well as what I'm willing to accept out of art. Which is to say, I can't fully accept everything this game offered to me based on my own design philosophies.

I do want to start by saying the treatment this game has gotten overall is unfair. I know all too well how it feels for a game with soul put into it to be completely ignored. I went into this with the purpose of giving it a fair shot because I felt it deserved it, and despite many of my issues I will list in this review, I am glad I tried it and gave it some form of attention.

I find this game to be extremely inaccessible. A major portion of that lies in some of its unforgiving difficulty, which primarily lies on multi-screen and / or trigger-dense segments; and this is just the way it is. Clearly to me difficulty is no longer an aspect in fangames I find appealing, and such is life.

But in other ways I find this game inaccessible, mainly in the way the game presents itself. I'll personally draw the line at difficulty, but I personally will not accept the same merit when a game alienates an entire population as a form of artistic vision. I won't pull any punches, I find the fact that this game visually obscures the platforming to blindness to be egregious.

I don't want to *not* recommend this game, because even though I listed nothing but complaints, I find there's a lot of gold here. I genuinely had a lot of fun for a decent chunk of the game's runtime, and I think that amounts to something. I just inherently disagree with much of how this game simply exists, and I feel the need to vent in some space regarding that. Please forgive me for doing so.

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Tagged as: artistic_vision
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 85 85
Dec 31, 2023
This game is really interesting and very clearly a deeply personal game, as such I think almost anybody will play this will find at least something they don't resonate with, especially with how unfiltered the platforming is at times. My taste in needle is usually more-so based on interesting ideas, doesn't have to be gimmicks really, just having something cool going on can make me enjoy something a lot more than if it feels standard. In that regard this game is doing excellently, it's very unique and I can safely say I haven't quite played anything like it.

Each stage has it's own thing going on, wildly different visuals and usually a very different needle style. The game sticks to standard needle although there's some trigger screens that go quite heavy in the triggers. The more abrasive parts in the game usually come from the visuals or lack of saves. The long saves are, for the most part, pretty fun, I really enjoyed most of them, in particular the last save was something I enjoyed quite a bit. The visuals are a clear breaking point for some people and the reason why is obvious. There are multiple stages with visuals that actively obstruct the players view, but honestly, I like these a lot. Even the final stage which looks insane was still completely manageable for me, once I knew the jumps the visuals didn't really get in my way and I could just appreciate them for what they were.

The needle style itself is mostly really cool, there's a lot of variety like I said before, stuff like the Tree of Life stage almost entirely based on jump refreshers and vines was great, and the trigger stages are really fun. The 2nd to last stage was probably my favorite one in the game, it ends with a really crazy trigger-based screen which felt great to learn and play. The bulk of the gameplay was super fun and interesting for me, but there is one big exception. There's a stage with black plants and a dark building I couldn't get into, the first save was mildly annoying but alright, but the second save was a major low point for me and I didn't enjoy it at all sadly. I think others will find this save fine but for me, I just didn't like the jumps and got really frustrated. It's not a big deal, it was a sizeable portion of playtime but not nearly enough to be "game-ruining", but is worth noting as my one real complaint with the game. I at least love the visuals of the stage and think it has cool stuff even if it wasn't for me.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend playing this game from start to finish, it's the definition of "not for everyone." But I do think it's worth your time, at least to see just how creative the game is. If it ends being your thing, it's an awesome one of a kind experience.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 77 77
Jul 21, 2024
ain't ever gon clear this but what ive played is the shit :thumb_up:

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick long_save
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Rating: 8.9 89       Difficulty: 84 84
Sep 5, 2023