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For: I wanna be great player with kirisame
A "medley" game of four screens, a "final" stage and a final boss.

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Tagged as: Needle Medley Boss Short
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Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 37 37
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna make the Future!!
A difficult and "entertaining" adventure game, the gimmicks are common but fun (Sometimes xD).
The game is from 2013, the game is re-old, so the story is in Japanese and i understand nothing.

C: It's the first skill they give you, the kid can jump very high.
X: If you press this key you return to normal (normal Kid)
A: Now you can shoot big bullets but you become a sack of potatoes (You have a lot of gravity)
S: You have super speed and low gravity (You are a woman)
D: This skill allows you to take damage but not die once (You cannot use another skill if you used this one)

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss Story
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 30, 2023
For: I Wanna Send The Medley To Mokuteki

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Tagged as: Needle Medley Boss
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna Noisepike
Mom look, without hands.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Special
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna be the Mean Fag
IWBT fangame remake(many flying spike and object version)

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna be the friend shrine

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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 30, 2023
For: he
Tagged as: Avoidance Short Meme
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 30, 2023
For: Ellipsis
Good 3-stage needle game. There are lots of contrasting opinions on this game, which I think really illustrates how much people's preferences differ. I think each stage is pretty solid within its scope, with Ywave making some more precise needle, 5637 managing to create interesting pathing and nothing too generic for 32-pixel grid needle, and jic using air vines in simple (and relatively intuitive) ways.

Ywave's stage could probably have benefitted from better difficulty balancing, 5637's stage could have been shorter, and jic's stage could have included some of the more challenging air-vine sections earlier in a few segments. The game itself could be improved by removing the intro screen and having the title card move positions if the player is in the same quadrant so it's never obstructive.

I'd give a soft recommend to players who don't mind a variety of different needle styles or are skilled enough to quickly beat the stuff here they don't enjoy.

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna field of vision
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Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 25 25
Mar 30, 2023
For: I wanna bye the Bye
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Rating: 4.8 48       Difficulty: 74 74
Mar 30, 2023
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