Latest Reviews
For: Super Obama Adventure
For: Super Obama Adventure
this is a roblox gamemode
Tagged as: ROBLOX
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Dec 13, 2021
For: I Wanna Steel Edge
For: I Wanna Steel Edge
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.9 69
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 13, 2021
For: I wanna be the Perfect Blue
For: I wanna be the Perfect Blue
Decent water/vine game. Gets surprisingly spicy in later screens.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 13, 2021
For: Cherry Maruko
For: Cherry Maruko
What starts out with the hints of a decent intermediate needle pretty quickly becomes tedious full jumps strewn together. Level design is almost always done with the obligatory "start by falling down now you have to climb up and fall again but this time from a slightly higher spot", and at one save/screen, completing them felt more tedious than rewarding. It also feels like there are a lot of 'fake' shortcuts, that are designed to look possible but are just slightly out of reach. Maybe I just suck. Well there is that also. The song started out potentially okay but was positively grating by the end. Tileset was not bad.
In general I am not a fan of one save/screen as a rule, because the save point is both a design and a balance tool. By regimenting yourself to a rote order right out of the gate, you're negating the possibility of engineering any tension or player experience through the adjustment of that variable. Now all hard jumps are that much more annoying depending on placement, now the early easy jumps are that much more of an interactive cutscene I have to wade through to get to the 'real' jump... in my mind, it often leads to inflated playtime and stretched out gameplay.
This isn't to discount endurance saves or the general premise of 1xscreen/1xsave in general. If it's a good formula and it works, use it. But if you're making random-whatever-coffee-break-needle-game, and you're going to follow that model, it's hard not to hold a high standard in the back of my mind because there isn't much besides the raw challenge and gameplay and how it's been put together. It can detract from an otherwise good series of jumps by introducing unneccessary repetition and... anyway, yeah. I think I made my point.
Theoretically playable for random intermediates who love the color pink.
Time: ~25min
Deaths: 349
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In general I am not a fan of one save/screen as a rule, because the save point is both a design and a balance tool. By regimenting yourself to a rote order right out of the gate, you're negating the possibility of engineering any tension or player experience through the adjustment of that variable. Now all hard jumps are that much more annoying depending on placement, now the early easy jumps are that much more of an interactive cutscene I have to wade through to get to the 'real' jump... in my mind, it often leads to inflated playtime and stretched out gameplay.
This isn't to discount endurance saves or the general premise of 1xscreen/1xsave in general. If it's a good formula and it works, use it. But if you're making random-whatever-coffee-break-needle-game, and you're going to follow that model, it's hard not to hold a high standard in the back of my mind because there isn't much besides the raw challenge and gameplay and how it's been put together. It can detract from an otherwise good series of jumps by introducing unneccessary repetition and... anyway, yeah. I think I made my point.
Theoretically playable for random intermediates who love the color pink.
Time: ~25min
Deaths: 349
Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 30 30
Dec 13, 2021
For: I wanna create a Sonic Rainboom
For: I wanna create a Sonic Rainboom
First off, the RBD kid-head sprite is hilarious. It's surprising I haven't seen more sprite mods of the kid tbh.
That being said, even for a former pony fan, the tileset and background music are distracting at best and annoying at worst. There are so many good remixes you could have chosen from, and this one's not bad, but it gets rly repetitive rly fast.
Behind all that is some pretty decent beginner needle that amps up just slightly in difficulty as it goes on. It's quite a short game overall but was still fun to play.
Time: ~20min
Deaths: 214
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That being said, even for a former pony fan, the tileset and background music are distracting at best and annoying at worst. There are so many good remixes you could have chosen from, and this one's not bad, but it gets rly repetitive rly fast.
Behind all that is some pretty decent beginner needle that amps up just slightly in difficulty as it goes on. It's quite a short game overall but was still fun to play.
Time: ~20min
Deaths: 214
Rating: 6.8 68
Difficulty: 28 28
Dec 13, 2021