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For: どこでもアイワナ
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss Mobile
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the Best Hero
Tagged as: Needle Mobile
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the Freedman
Tagged as: Trap Gimmick Mobile
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna conquer the Mobile
Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Trigger x_Floor Mobile
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the Phoenix
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss Mobile
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the Fidelity
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the Papaya Spike
Horrible game with insane amount of ledges, diagonals and corners. Uses K3 grid for visuals. Not fun at all.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 11, 2017
For: Not Another Magic Tower Game
This review is based on the version 0.998_sp2.

This game is one of my favorite games. I got softlocked for 3~4 times when I was first playing it, but somehow I kept playing from the start because it was still fun.

However, I recommend you to look for the guides first because it's still a game that is very easy to get softlocked. Blind playthrough can be VERY harsh.

Now I'll look at the parts of the game and write my thoughts.

Platforming is all manageable for experienced players, there's nothing like a nightmarish jump that takes a few hours or something. There's Corners, Planes, 16pxs, Ledges, etc.

Puzzling in this game takes quite a portion of the game. Starting from the Key system that makes you to save them as many as possible, Hidden walls(Which is crucial to save a lot of keys), Minigames(Bubble stages, Echoshift), and Secrets. I personally don't enjoy puzzling that much, but I think most of them are well made.

Enemy fights(excluding bosses for now) are mostly great, but there are some parts of the game when you have to fight them with low damage output. I personally hated that part the most. Also some of the fights are heavily RNG-dependant (Sword master for example) and some of the fights might be tedious because of the boring part they have(Giant bat, Super FASF, Dark Lord for example). Other than these, the fights are mostly unique and fun.

Finally, the bosses. This part might be the reason why this game is one of my favorite. I'll write my opinion about every one of the bosses.

- Yaranaika
~3 minute avoidance, actually quite of a challenge even though it's technically a first boss. This boss can give you some nasty RNGs in some of the patterns, which makes it even harder since it's already 3 minutes long. I think this is a medium-difficulty avoidance.

- FaShiLiu
A boss that forces you to no-miss it, since you'll die in one hit no matter how much health you got at that point. It is heavily inspired by Geometry Dash and VVVVVV. Pretty easy boss if you get the hang of it, but you'll have quite a hard time learning it when you're playing it for the first time.

- 3B6
A.K.A. Bad Ending boss. It goes like some Touhou avoidance. One pre-pattern, one spell card following. At the final phase, they all joins together and use one pre-pattern and three spell cards. I think it's a boring boss, since the bullet speed is quite slow and there are a lot of patterns(10 total). However, I don't think this boss is the worst since...

- Faro
...this boss exists. Alright, I know there are people who like this boss. However, it's just unbearable to me. This boss one-hit-kills you like FaShiLiu, but you can tank one hit if you got the item from Side Tower. This boss is mostly concentrated on Minigames and osu! parts, which are both bad for me. I hate minigames part since it can be a chokefest. Osu! parts can be pretty okay, but it gets really boring if you play that part hundreds of times. Other than these two parts, it's just an average-difficulty avoidance.

- Mr.Pica
Spade of the Devas, with fast-paced patterns. It's at the harder side of the Devas in terms of difficulty. It can toss you some nasty RNGs, but I think this boss is fun to play.

- Mr.Diamante
Diamond of the Devas, with its iconic charging pattern. It might be relatively easier than the other Devas(except for Corazone), but still can be very tricky. This boss is very enjoyable for me because of its unique patterns(and probably because of that fancy diamond-shaped bullets).

- Mr.Corazone
Heart of the Devas, which is also the shortest of the Devas. That one pattern before his final phase can wall you a lot. This boss is worst of the Devas for me(also I saw some people considering this the worst boss), but still better than Faro.

- Mr.Trebole
Club of the Devas, which is also one of the hardest(with Pica). Long avoidance, mostly patterned attacks. I like this boss since I feel so great when I dodge these precise patterns.

- 4B6
Better version of Crimson TFB(TLB) imo. They all have a specific attack PLUS specific effect that makes you harder to dodge(Red - Darker sight, Blue - Smaller platforms, Yellow - Larger snow effects, Green - Faster platform speed). I think this is a great boss that requires a proper strategy and right decision at the same time(also more fast-paced than Crimson, which I like a lot).

- The Tower Lead
Epic boss. This boss starts out with some tricky RNG patterns, then the enemies you have fought, then his true form. You can even say this boss sums up most of the enemies(of course, not perfectly). Personally I think this is the best boss in the game.

- Fapple
Colonel in NAMTG!! It lives up to its sprite. He is an extra boss that is hidden in Secret 3. You have a dot hitbox in this fight, but that means his patterns are even more harsh. It might seems like it is almost impossible to dodge some of his patterns, but they're a bit easier than it really looks. I think this is a fun boss actually.

Overall, this game has a lot of memorable and fun fights/bosses and great musics that makes you want to play this game even more. I recommend you to try it if you're experienced in I wanna fangames.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 85 85
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna be the KAYAKAMI
It's fun. I'd like you to make a sequel earlier

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 11, 2017
For: I wanna fa trap
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 15 15
Mar 11, 2017
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