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For: I wanna end the Dream
Every time you get through a room, you'll be transported to the next one. If you manage to survive through 13 rooms (Or 14, I'm not sure), you win (You get to a room that is a dead end. It doesn't look like a clear screen, but since you can't do anything there, I guess it counts as one?).
Anyway, there are 5 different room designs, so you'll be getting a few repeated rooms. The first room is always the same. The rooms aren't too hard themselves (Usually there is only one hard jump/screen), but since there are no saves through the game, that makes at least 13 hard jumps through the game. Wouldn't recommend, there are better endurance games.

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Tagged as: No_save
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Rating: 1.6 16       Difficulty: 54 54
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna boring unimaginative needle
This name actually attracts players. Funny.
The game isn't as bad as I was expecting when I saw the title. Each screen uses a certain kind of generic needle jumps (Gate Jumps, then Diagonals, then Corners), but most of the saves (Aside from most saves at the first screen) use these generic needle jumps in somewhat different ways, doing better than many needle games I've seen trying to do something 'new' and failing horribly. Once you get past the first screen (It's the only one that could use a bit more of effort), maybe you can enjoy this game. Or maybe you'll hate it, I don't know. Play it at your own risk.
The difficulty curve is somewhat solid (Although there are a few very easy saves), more than in many needle games. I was really surprised when I played this, in a good way.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 58 58
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna be the MEXT
Well, we have lots of traps here. Predictable and tedious traps. I usually love black-and-white stages, but the spike and save placement ruined all the fun. The bosses are boring as hell, too. And there are only two somewhat hard saves. That to not speak of the needle trial stage, which can easily get you stuck at the ceiling. I honestly don't see anything good about this game. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 43 43
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna be the Blue coin mania saucer fulfill
Collect all the blue coins in various rooms to win. Game is actually pretty good for what it sets out to be. It's not really a standard fangame, more a mini-game fangame. Good music makes the experience enjoyable.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna use Snow magic
Really fun avoidance, most of the attacks are fair, and the few that aren't, are easy to figure out. Newer players can use this game to hone their (dodging) skills, while the veterans can enjoy a well made, nice to look at, and perhaps even relaxing experience.

Ps, be prepared to get this song stuck in your head for a good while.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna eat the Planet
Pretty short game, the platforming was decent and never got out of hand. The bosses are easy and unremarkable, I feel that they might as well could have been left out.
The final boss however is a really nicely done avoidance fight that I still come back to from time to time.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 6, 2015
For: The Diva Batles
...I'm not sure about how to call this game. At the title screen it says "The Diva Batles", but then the folder name is "Miku Battle" and the exe name is "Miku Hatsune vs The Kid 2". Maybe either is fine?
Anyway, this is a very nice game we have here. We have a few screens of platforming, all of them quite easy and with a few common gimmicks, but the platforming isn't much memorable. Not because it's bad, but because the Boss is simply too epic.
Miku's sprite is different from most. She's at the background, much more kawaii...And she MOVES. It's still an avoidance, but we have a moving miku at the background! Well, her face does move, so that's something. There is also a small Miku at a certain platform, but she doesn't attack, and even if you touch her you won't die. You even get a small cutscene before the actual fight. It's very cool.
Now getting into the fight itself: You'll see new attacks, you'll see overused attacks...You'll see a lot of stuff here. This avoidance has both, fast and slow attacks. With few troll attacks, this fight relies more on pure RNG. There's also a water-like red thing (Supposed to be blood, maybe?) that allows you to infinite-jump at certain platforms, which is very useful at some points of this fight. It's a short fight (Less than 2 minutes), but it's worth it. I love this game.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Gimmick Miku
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 42 42
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna fib
A fun, relaxing avoidance. The patterns are pretty lethargic, but they look nice, and they fit the song well.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 34 34
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna eat the Forest
Nice avoidance that alternates between slow and fast RNG and pattern attacks. Plenty of moments where nothing happens drag it down, but it's still nice, with fair RNG, readable patterns and some interesting attacks. Would recommend, maybe.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna U-n!!
A short game with three screens followed by a boss. Clearly a joke of some kind, but unfortunately I don't get it. Boss is a bit tricky, and can RNG screw you with a bajillion kanji, but mostly he makes your ears hurt. Not recommended.

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Tagged as: Boss Short
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 27 27
Mar 6, 2015
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