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For: I wanna be the Libertine
Pretty hard needle game, but really cool to grind and try some new jumps. There's a save which is a bit harder for my liking, though.

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 91 91
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna be the Wischtech
One of my favorite needle games. Really cool needle game with interesting jumps and segments. Really challenging too. If you like grinding needle and getting better at it this is a really good option imo.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 88 88
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna be the Crimson ripoff
Hard and long needle game. If you're looking for a challenge like Crimson Needle I don't think you will enjoy this a lot (or maybe my expectations were a bit higher than usual when I played it). Game gets boring at some parts which are probably unnecessary and this game is more like a gimmick game than a needle game. I just felt like the creator didn't take it seriously at some parts.

Still, it's fun to play and grind and would recommend it to anyone who isn't super good at needle but wants to get better.

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Rating: 5.3 53       Difficulty: 62 62
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna go across the Crimson Rainbow
Fun and not-so-long needle game. Jumps are original and I like how it's built, but it might get a bit boring at last screens. Would recommend to anyone who likes long saves and original jumps.

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 67 67
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna be the Vector
Pretty cool and really fun needle game with really original jumps and hard segments. Would recommend it to anyone who is decent at needle, it's not that hard just because it's made by Peranche.

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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Needle Games 2
Really cool needle game. Some parts are pretty damn hard but I really liked the game overall. Probably one of the best options to get better at needle and enjoy a hard challenge.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 83 83
Jun 15, 2015
For: I Wanna R
Probably the L game I've had most fun playing. It may look bad at first but it's really fun to play :)
Would recommend to anyone who is decent/good at needle and wanna try a bit harder.

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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 78 78
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna be the Crimson Needle
Hard and really long needle game. Extremely challenging for good needle players. Would only recommend to people who like grinding needle a lot or just wanna get better at it. It's not that fun to play and some parts were kinda unnecessary imo.

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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 87 87
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Needle Games
Pretty hard and long needle game. Would recommend to people who are looking for a good challenge and wanna get better at needle.

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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 88 88
Jun 15, 2015
For: I wanna ∇
Hard needle game. Would only recommend to people who are good at jump cancelling and grinding needle.

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Rating: 2.3 23       Difficulty: 90 90
Jun 15, 2015
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