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For: I wanna be the Shiny spark!!
Rating is based on Zako mode, because it works as the 'medium mode' and it's the only 'reasonable' difficulty in the game.
This is a fangame that looks a lot like a 'special' fangame, and I can imagine tons of screens from this game in Sudoku/2doku. However, it's just a poorly-made fangame. A VERY poorly-made fangame. Visuals are horrible, almost all the gimmicks are bad (Exception for the invencibility star at Mario's stage, that one isn't bad, although it isn't used in the best way), there's a stage with a sorta-of-road where you can just walk off the road and nothing will happen to you, and since all the obstacles are in the road...Exactly, easy win. Restarting music, bad level design...Oh, and an error save at the beginning that forces you to reset the game (Since the save's name is "error", I believe it was made on purpose. Which is really...Awesome.)
The bosses aren't any better. Yoshi is tedious as hell, and gets really hard at the end. The "do you believe in love" avoidance...Doesn't happen in the Zako mode, the music just plays until the end and nothing happens. And the food-summoning boss is the worst of them all, she teleports as soon as you shoot and you have to corner her with bullets (Basically, mashing), while dodging her attacks. To hit her once. Smithy and the last boss are just RNG-heavy, nothing too bad compared to the other bosses. And the Balloon Cherry follows the tedious concept of getting harder as his HP is depleted. Miki is the only nice-ish one, being a fun avoidance with a couple interesting attacks and a funny second phase.
There are some good things in this game, but playing through to find them is not really worth it. Highly not recommended.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Miki_Hoshii
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Rating: 1.7 17       Difficulty: 54 54
Jun 4, 2015
For: I wanna push down post
Basically an avoidance, as your gun has auto-fire and automatically locks onto the boss (but can still not quite reach at certain distances).

Anyway, it's a fun fight, with some genuinely interesting RNG - you'll rarely see the same pattern twice. There are...15+?...attacks, and there will generally be 2 going on at once. This is combined with a random movement pattern of the boss and occasional modifiers that make the bullets move up, down, left, or right like a gravity shift (you'll be able to tell because the screen changes color). The particular pattern is (I believe) indicated by the number in the top left, although I haven't spent the time to decipher precisely what it means.

Like any RNG mechanic, it'll occasionally screw you with (sometimes literal) bullet walls and shitty transitions, but I found the game pretty fun regardless, and not excessively difficult.

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Tagged as: Boss Short
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna uhuhu spike 3
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 3, 2015
For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 3, 2015
For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 3, 2015
For: I want to go the Way of the needle
Short and silly needle game with 3 or 4 unbalanced save points. Level design and music are meh, graphics are alright.

Not recommended.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 2.9 29       Difficulty: 60 60
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna be the Trip
Pretty relaxing and easy platformer. One "puzzle" part where i could not understand what to do because it was in a foreign language so i had to look it up otherwise this game is decent.

ps. If anyone know the song played in the credits please tell me.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 3, 2015
Quentinjanuel [Creator]
For: I Wanna Be The Reverse
This is one of my old/bad fangames, do not play it anyway I removed the link ;)

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna be the Remind
I wanna be the Remind, i guess it reminds you that it's shit

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 22 22
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna recover the Forest
This one is a mixed bag. The game starts off with really poor presentation in the first stage. Brown blocks, restarting guy rock, really uncreative traps. As you go farther into the game, the traps do get better, but the music is still bad and restarting. Then for whatever reason on stage 3, the music is fixed and the game turns into some pretty serious needlish gameplay. Then the music breaks again for stage 4, then it's fixed again in stage 5.

The final stage is just terrible with confusing visuals and some really bad gimmick with bats. At one point I am fairly sure the gimmick is broken at which point I had to save skip past it. Shortly after the game ends very abruptly.

It might be worth playing the first few stages if you like booby traps and can tolerate the erratic production. Other than that it feels like this game is all over the place and would have benefit greatly from some more polish and testing.

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Tagged as: Troll
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 3, 2015
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