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For: I wanna recover the Forest
This one is a mixed bag. The game starts off with really poor presentation in the first stage. Brown blocks, restarting guy rock, really uncreative traps. As you go farther into the game, the traps do get better, but the music is still bad and restarting. Then for whatever reason on stage 3, the music is fixed and the game turns into some pretty serious needlish gameplay. Then the music breaks again for stage 4, then it's fixed again in stage 5.

The final stage is just terrible with confusing visuals and some really bad gimmick with bats. At one point I am fairly sure the gimmick is broken at which point I had to save skip past it. Shortly after the game ends very abruptly.

It might be worth playing the first few stages if you like booby traps and can tolerate the erratic production. Other than that it feels like this game is all over the place and would have benefit greatly from some more polish and testing.

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Tagged as: Troll
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna drink the Drink
Neat needle game with a pretty decent second stage and a chill miku avoidance

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 6.3 63       Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna escape the Darkness
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 35 35
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna kill the 2doku
Basically, it's supposed to be some sort of I Wanna Kill the Sudoku 2, but since this game's maker isn't the guy who made Sudoku 1, he decided to slightly change the name, so that Aelya can still make the official Sudoku 2 if he wants to. Or at least, that's what it seems, when you look from outside.
Sorry, Piece, this game isn't worse than the first Sudoku. The first Sudoku has ア, and the two screens that Sudoku took from that game make it worse than anything you threw at us here. That not to mention the F stage, it's far more annoying than this game's M stage (Which isn't annoying, actually, and it's even funny, it's way more of a M stage than the ones in the Kamilia series).
This game brings a quite decent difficulty balance. There are some screens that feel out of place, but overall you know that the further you progress, the more cruel the game will get. Screens such as Crazy Crazy Crazy and I Wanner just hurt my pancreas, and the fangame makers' themed stage is just...Urgh. The whole game brings a bunch of irony, referencing memes, fangame jokes and things that don't even make sense at all. The boss rush is probably my favorite part in the game, the only boss I might think of changing is Donald 2's because...Urgh. Straigh Outa Compton's boss didn't glitch with me this time, although I'm not completely sure if the glitch was fixed at all, KSD's boss is really enjoyable when you get a HP bar (It actually scared me for a few seconds, because I didn't notice the HP bar, but this game is surprisingly soft when it has to be. Thanks for allowing the players to get through), and Shake is RNG, and I love RNG. They're all joke bosses, but enjoyable joke bosses (Well, I enjoyed them. Not that it means too much, to be honest).
The only thing I found to be really unfair was Leehee's Miku (Clicking the title card to get past it. Really?), but other than that, everything was doable, to a certain point. Basically, this game is quite a bit what I expected the first Sudoku to be. It's not really great, but most of the unfairness and lack of organization was fixed, there are more jokes and some extra things. In other words, it doesn't score 0 on gameplay. If you, for some reason, like to hunt special (Or just bad) fangames, this is a good way to find plenty of them, while getting some early taste of what is about to come. Would only recommend to a very specific group of fangame players (People who are used to the worst things in fangames, and for some reason like them).

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Tagged as: Medley Special
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 3, 2015
For: I wanna be the Galaxy
Rating doesn't include extra/100%. Maybe I'll change it someday, but I'm not sure yet.
Great adventure game that overflows with tons of creativity. There's an inventory system, where you can store all the weapons and items you get through the game. There's a built-in autofire that can be switched on and off inside the game (And there is a point for that, some puzzles will be a lot harder if you don't disable the autofire). And the main attractive of the game, the collectibles. There are stars, hidden rupees and optional items. There's even a mini-game planet! This game has a lot of interesting things, it's very open, going far beyond the standart 'open world' fangames.
The stages are planets, and each of them has a certain amount of teleporters, which you can unlock by simply touching them. These teleporters allow you to progress through the lenghty stages without having to do everything over and over again, something particularly useful when you're talking about a game with lots of extra stuff to do scattered through the game.
The planets are incredibly well-designed. Some of the earlier planets have plenty of issues (The Nature Planet doesn't seem like a Nature Planet at all, with so many star blocks around. And the Water Planet has one of the most annoying water gimmicks I've seen so far, forcing you to smash your jump button to get somewhere). I also have some extra complaints about particular saves (Some saves are incredibly tedious, like a particular one from the Mountain Planet that you'll probably recognize by just looking, where you must use your bombs a lot of times to unlock a path through the rocks, with a very precise jump at the end. Honestly, what's the point of doing that?), but overall, the planets are very well-designed, with the Mountain Planet and the Sky Planet being some of the best (It's very easy to move around in the Mountain Planet, since you have the height to help you, and overall it really feels like a mountain planet and the Sky Planet has a palace-like structure that is really imposing).
Most of the saves are quite puzzle-ish, often involving lots of odd ways to use your items. And the bosses are your basic use-your-new-item bosses, but since most items are something you don't see everyday, the bosses are also something you don't see everyday, being quite innovative and, obviously, quite hard. With so many incredibly well-made things, it could easily be a 10/10 fangame.
Yes, could. Of course, a great game must have its drawbacks, and this one has plenty of them. Aside from what I already mentioned about the earlier planets and the tedious saves, there's still more. The first thing that comes to the mind is...Well, with so many items and innovative stuff, it's to be expected that you'll be reading the instructions a lot, right? Well, sorry, it's in japanese, so if you don't understand it, go figure out yourself! This wouldn't be a big issue if the instructions were only about how to use the items, but that also works for...everything. In the Sky Planet, you must 'see' the 3 pictures that will lead you to the Sand Planet, where you'll get an item that you'll need to unlock the last stage. This basically means touching the pictures. Also, each of these pictures will help you to solve one puzzle at the Sand Planet, and it's almost impossible to do these puzzles without the help of these pictures. Now try figuring it out by yourself, without any instructions to help you. Fun.
Also, the inventory system is great, but in a game where you must switch through weapons and items constantly (Mainly at the Sky Planet, where you must use different items to get through a single save), it's more convenient to use the items through different keys, or being able to switch weapons/items by simply pressing a key. It takes longer to switch weapons/items when you're using an inventory, which makes things more tedious than they should be.
These might seem like small mistakes, but they heavily affect the gameplay, because their presence is often noticed. That being said, this is still an incredible fangame and an unique experience, and I highly recommend it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Long Puzzle Items
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 63 63
Jun 2, 2015
For: I wanna be the Mini spirit
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 2, 2015
For: I wanna PD Happy
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 35 35
Jun 2, 2015
For: I wanna be the Humming note
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 2, 2015
For: I wanna listen to Electronic music
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 30 30
Jun 2, 2015
For: I wanna be the Job Master
Pretty good game for a JRPG that features terrible music, ugly visuals, and MS Paint drawings.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Jun 2, 2015
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