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For: I wanna PD ♡
Nothing too different from the other 'PD's. Same tilesets, same background (Recolored, of course)...The platforming is somewhere between PD Happy and PD Mad. It's overall easy, with one or two harder saves. I had to change the position of my computer's screen to see the spikes at the water stage, but since that screen was easy, not much of a problem.
I don't have any reason to recommend it, but I don't have much of a reason to say 'Don't play it' either.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 42 42
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna clear the Crime & Punishment Ver.Normal
Well pretty unfair RNG but it is still fun to play it took me 2 hours but i liked it alot :)

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna Jguy Spike 2
A pretty long needle with a few tough saves. The difficulty curve isn't that great but I don't care that much. It's overall pretty challenging. I managed to complete the game without bothering about v-aligns (I don't even know how they work durr), the only thing that bothered me was that you have to hold in jump at the last save. The visuals are pretty cool. Aligns aren't that important.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna eat the Actor
My personal favourite eat the ___ game, it's a little bit more difficult aswell making it a challange. There are also a few more rng attacks and the pattern attacks arent as punishing as for example ER or book. Theres a nice surprise at the clear screen :3

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 37 37
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna eat the ER
This is like eat the book with less variaton and RNG attacks

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 25 25
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna be the Gun Master
The game looks nice at times, and at other points it's ugly as hell. You platform through various levels and frequently visit a gun shop to buy new guns. The problem is most of the guns suck save for a few that you can get early on. The bosses are kind of a mess, with some being tolerable and some just being utter nonsense. You can tell a lot of effort went into making this game, but it could have been so much better.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna escape reality
A short but interesting fangame that has good production value and some interesting gimmicks. There is one annoying part with RNG platforming, but it's nothing that can't be passed with a little persistence.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna be the LV111
Boring platforming and terrible bosses, but it has a lot of asian music. The avoidance at the end had good music, but the attacks were sort of boring. I want to say this is a troll of 100F games. Production value is bad as well since music restarts and most of the screens are ugly.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Kamilia
Some of the screens picked were completely out of place, the bosses are terrible.

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Tagged as: Medley
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 17, 2015
For: I wanna enjoy the Game
Decent game. Going through the levels without the traps once was unnecessary. The game would have been much better without the restarting guy rock since it's extra frustrating when you're getting trolled. The bosses are uh, simple.

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Tagged as: Trap Boss
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 17 17
Mar 17, 2015
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