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For: I wanna be the Air
A bunch of stages completed 2 at a time. Each stage has a boss, some of which are interesting. Production value is lacking and there are tons of dumb traps everywhere.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 20, 2015
For: I wanna escape the Volcano
Fun and easy needle game. Features some easier needle jumps, like aerial gate jumps and sideways gates. The music is good, and fits well for a volcanic area. There is also a gimmick where the volcano will throw a rain of lava from certain spots. It's range is small, so it's nothing to worry about (Although it can mess with some of the platforming if you are not prepared).
Overall, a quite good needle game. Would recommend to anyone who wants to kill some time.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 20, 2015
For: I wanna be the Neon
Cool needle game. However, the difficulty feels somewhat off, as the dotkid screens are way harder than the normal ones. That aside, I really liked most of the gimmicks (Exception for the speed+ one). Floating with the gravity was fun, and I always liked playing around with the Dotkid. Music is great, as well. It's a great game overall. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Dotkid
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 20, 2015
For: I wanna fa trap
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be GENKI with you
Amazing. Very surreal. Not hard, but enough challenge to keep it interesting. Great very unique tiles and sprites, interesting gimmicks.

It's all so _weird_. Go play it.

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Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 49 49
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna eat Sheep spike
Short and easy needle game. One simple red tileset, one song. Touch saves (at least they are cute little winged ... things of some sort). Some of the saves have sketchy placement, I got stuck in a spike a couple of times.

Overall pretty fun, worth playing.

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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 44 44
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna eat Sheep spike 2
Easy and short needle game. 20 or so screens. Simple green-on-black tileset, one catchy but somewhat repetitive song. Touch saves are a bit of a bummer.

Nothing mind-blowing, but worth a play.

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Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be the Hurtful pain
(Difficulty is a bit of a guess as I have done all of the platforming but not beaten the final boss. It looks hard though.)

Reminds me a lot of Sunspike. Four (maybe five, I do not remember) platforming/needle worlds and then an avoidance. The platforming is a lot of fun with a good difficulty curve, starts easy and ends hard. Tilesets and music are great. Jumps are creative.

Great game, 100% recommended.

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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 80 80
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna be the Orbit
Weird game with a lot of fun traps. It's very troll-y, well-made, and fairly long. I love it but it's definitely not for everyone. Pretty hard, I have no idea how I fluked through the end boss (I am terrible at bosses though).

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 72 72
Feb 19, 2015
For: I wanna uhuhu spike 3
Very fun not too hard needle game, no gimmicks, pretty unique jumps. Slightly harder than the other two uhuhu spikes, a couple of the saves were pretty tricky. Visuals and music are nice aside from the fireworks/explosion animation in the background, which made me impulsively think I died and reset a number of times.

Definitely recommended.

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Rating: 7.9 79       Difficulty: 59 59
Feb 19, 2015
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