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For: I wanna be the Crimson
Oh boy, where to begin?

I wanna be the Crimson takes place in a bizarre parallell universe filled with danger. As a player you take control over a redhaired boy possessed by inner demons on a journey to cleanse himself and find harmony.

Right at the start you find yourself standing above a clear pool of a liquid, in appearance oddly reminiscent of regular water but unusual in behavior in a small circular room. You don't know where you are, how you got here or where you are going but as the story unfolds many horrific truths will start revealing themselves.

With further exploration you will soon discover a path eventually leading to a peculiar little room housing eight uncanny looking grey objects which upon investigation will turn out to be (please mind the spoilers) quite complex contraptions warping the boy to distant places. A grand adventure begins here.

Having a central with these 8 apparatuses is a brilliant concept to create a sense of an open world with myriads of options and opportunities despite the actual areas being relatively linear by design. Each "level" has a unique setting and theme to it and not only are they inherently fascinating places to visit thanks to the artwork and layout, they are also manifestations of the redhaired boy's damaged consciousness and symbolize different parts of his psyche along with sporadically scattering various hints to prior events in the boy's life.

The platforming design in I wanna be the Crimson is on a level of its own. Each block, each spike, each tiny, tiny little obstacle is carefully considered and placed to create an immaculate experience. However, the game's creator goes even further taking an original approach to the I Wanna be the Guy legacy by adding a layer of traps so cleverly hidden they are often impossible to predict or even suspect. The game keeps you on edge, immersing you into a world where danger rests behind every subsequent corner. It is not only ingenious by itself but also made with such care and masterful precision that I at times find myself just leaning back; staring at my screen in awe of the intelligence at work.

Obviously it is always a difficult task reviewing music by itself as it is such a subjective matter but I must say that, to me, the song picks in I wanna be the Crimson are nothing short of perfection. Melodic pianostrings are mixed with rhytmic drums that definitely brings out the air-instrumentalist in all of us. It should be noted that I wanna be the Crimson has so-called "restarting music", something often scoffed at among the fangame community. The usual criticism doesn't apply here, however. Because the level design so heavily revolves around moving objects and having to time your movement to dodge aformentioned objects, being able to rely on music cues becomes an invaluable tool to assists you on your journey.

Perhaps the most impressive accomplishment of I wanna be the Crimson is how cohesive it is. The various areas may be separated by invisible seams but the atmosphere is intact throughout and entering the game's final chapter taking place in the creator's twisted vision of hell is simply an out-of-this-world experience.

In traditional review format you often want to add a short segment where you mention the review subject's flaws before you move on to the conclusion. In this case there is none to discuss, I wanna be Crimson is simply a flawless piece of art in the word's most literal sense.

In the end I wanna be the Crimson will always be with me, partially through the countless times I have and will replay it but mostly thanks to the plot which fundamentally altered my perception of love, pride and life itself.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 68 68
Feb 11, 2015
For: I Wanna be the GreeeeN
Cute and green game. Some repetitive jumps might be annoying, and there are a few not-so-easy bosses here. The gimmicks are great for the most part, although some of them are too annoying to allow a fun playthrough.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 34 34
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the BN
Short, 3-screen needle game. Doesn't get too hard, but if you're bad with 2-high planes or 9 jumps then you might have a rough time.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the Golden Arch Jump
Another special game. This one offers some small challenge compared to the normal Special games. It's basically an one-jump game, with saves in the middle of the jump. It's possible to do the jump in one go (Hard mode), but not really worthy the time. Also, there are a few troll surprises at the end. Slightly high because of diagonals and a few precision segments.

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Tagged as: One_jump
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 12 12
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the Pleasure
This is a short, but fun game consisting of four stages. It has one annoying gimmick, but other than that I find it very well made.

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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 34 34
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wannyaaaaaaaaaa
Awesome game. really funny, with a lot of original trolls. The final boss is really well made imo.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 11, 2015
For: I Wanna be the GreeeeN
I've always loved this game. It's a nice game that's probably over 50 screens long, made by the same guy who made Dark Blue and Showdown. Just like Dark Blue, the game has the same music that will probably put you to sleep. This is probably my favorite of the 3 games because the platforming has a lot of different little gimmicks spread across the rooms, it's not as trolly as Dark Blue in terms of traps, and it has some bosses spaced throughout the game.

One of the bosses is the infamous soccer boss where you have to score goals, and of course the iconic space invader boss which has appeared in other games. A great game for newer players, and a great game for higher skilled players to race and run.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版)
Fun 121-floor game. You have two options. You might try to Churatch through the game (Yes, one of the modes (The closest one, and the one that most people pick at first, thinking that it's the Medium Mode) will leave you with a small limited amount of lives (Less than 10)), or you might pick the 500-possible mode, that will give you plenty more of opportunity to enjoy the game.
About the game itself: It's quite harder than you would expect it to be. Some of the later stages are quite labyrinthic, and sometimes the platforming isn't exactly beginner-friendly. The gameplay is pretty slow-paced, with triggers, long floors, moving enemies, etc. This basically means that you DON'T want to die at this game. Easier said than done.

Also, I don't like Genki's tilesets.

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Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 36 36
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna celebrate 100
One of the better 100 Floor games out there. Blocks of 10 floors followed by a boss, repeat 10 times. As others have mentioned, the difficulty curve goes a little out of wack mid game as these floors are probably the hardest ones in the game. Final boss is a very weird but epic battle.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 11, 2015
For: I wanna deliver a Letter
Just a great game overall. Each stage looks great visually and the platforming is interesting with each stage serving up a different type of gimmick. The cutscenes alone make the game worth playing.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 11, 2015
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