Ythundyth's Profile

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Joined on: Mar 2, 2019


Just casually playing IWBTG fangames along with other games. Mostly looking to challenge myself, although sometimes I just randomly play a game to have fun or when there's no other game to play. I upload everything I do to my youtube channel currently.

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24 Ratings!
8 Reviews!
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8 Reviews

For: I wanna avoid the 3D barrage 2
Best Miku fight of all time for me, amazing production value, both visuals and music is great, the design is great, and the idea of a 3D barrage is very well implemented. There are some things which could be made better, such as the ability to move the camera. Also experienced some lag, although personally I cannot blame the creator for that because I was running the game through WINE. But other people also seemed to have experienced some lag, so beware of that.

Normally Miku avoidances aren't that great for me, but this one was really good and I'd recommend it to avoidance players, people who just want to try out something different or just play a pretty good fangame.

Difficulty wise, other people have complained that the perspective is bad etc... I personally did not have any problems with that, although given that 3D is generally harder to avoid than 2D, and that this fight is no walk in the park, I've decided to give a 70 difficulty rating.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 2, 2019
For: I wanna run the Marathon
It's a good game, with good production value and has a lot of variety, with different gimmicks. Both the platforming and bosses are pretty good, although some things felt a bit off like stage 1 and the like. Overall enjoyable and not really difficult for experienced players, but it's a good game for newer player that want to get better while playing a relatively well designed game.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 2, 2019
For: I wanna kill the Guy
For the most part, it's a slow slow-paced puzzle-platformer with unique and interesting bosses, and great production value in music, graphics and design. There are some difficulty spikes (which I personally enjoyed more than the puzzles, one example being the hard and fast-paced Chapter 5), a ridiculous RNG trial and some bugs, but overall it's one of the best I Wanna Be The Guy fangames. A great game to play if you haven't done so yet.

Difficulty is mostly based off the RNG trial and the fast-paced Chapter 5, otherwise I would rate it around 50.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 2, 2019

3 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I Wanna Evac DOOM 46.7 7.0 5
Evaccaneer DOOM - Death Label 68.3 7.9 6
The Darkness Within 75.0 6.2 4

5 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna kill the Guy 60.0 9.0
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2 80.0 8.0
I wanna gorilla the afoth 75.0 8.0
I wanna run the Marathon 60.0 8.0
I wanna avoid the 3D barrage 2 70.0 9.0