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Joined on: Jun 24, 2018

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6 Reviews

For: I wanna reach the Moon
First fangame review after many years of playing and watching them, just had to register to get my thoughts down.

The original I Wanna See The Moon is often recommended as a good intro fangame, and indeed it was my second clear. I always enjoyed the spirit of See The Moon, the exploration, picking up small powerups and keys to access new areas, backtracking to doors you saw before but couldn't get through. Truly, it was one of the original examples of what an adventure game is supposed to look like.

...that said, I never quite enjoyed it as much as others did. The game definitely feels old, rough around the edges, and poorly executed in places. The backtracking is awkward and unnecessarily repetitious, and the production is basic. It's absolutely worth playing, but it shows its age.

Denferok's successor, I Wanna Reach The Moon, absolutely captures the spirit of the original game while improving on the execution in every way. This truly feels like a modern rendition that retains much of the charm of See The Moon and even includes some similar gimmicks. The bosses are well-balanced and never felt like they dragged on for too long.

This is a must-play adventure game for fangamers, and while it's probably a bit too hard to recommend to first-timers, it's a great intermediate game.

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 24, 2018
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3 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 57.0 9.0
I wanna reach the Moon 50.0 9.8
Chill Needle 2 60.0 9.0

3 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 57.0 9.0
I wanna reach the Moon 50.0 9.8
Chill Needle 2 60.0 9.0