44 Reviews:
Easy and forgettable needle followed by a boss fight that is just a gate. The gate boss has no real tells other than arbitrary rhythms it follows. It was pretty annoying to learn simply because the boss is unreactable and therefore entirely learning based.
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Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 30 30
Dec 15, 2023
Simple needle game, at the end there is a boss who has to jump to the gate with the music, not too bad game, but not very worth playing (for me).
簡單的needle遊戲,最後有一個要跟著音樂跳gate jump的boss,不算太差的遊戲,但不是很值得玩(對我來說)。
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簡單的needle遊戲,最後有一個要跟著音樂跳gate jump的boss,不算太差的遊戲,但不是很值得玩(對我來說)。
Rating: 4.9 49
Difficulty: 31 31
Jul 12, 2023
This is a pretty short and decent needle game with 3 screens, and a gate jump boss where you need to jump to the rhythm of the song. It's honestly not bad for how short it is, and I found the boss quite fun.
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Rating: 5.2 52
Difficulty: 25 25
Jul 10, 2023