21 Reviews:
Pastel is a pretty solid Adventure game made by Azure that mostly features gimmick-based stages with interesting concepts. It's a bit rough around the edges, but a good amount of it is pretty fun.
As mentioned, there are a lot of stages connected via a hub, and each one generally comes with some gimmick to deal with. The most notable ones from this game might be recognizable to the average fangamer, these being the famous pastel spikes. Other interesting gimmicks include a Waddle Dee which you must protect from harm, as well as a broom you can fly with in order to engage in some rather wicked fights. The roughness though comes from the difficulty of these stages, I think the actual implementation of the gimmicks lessens the amount of fun one might have due to the high execution requirement for a lot of segments. One part in particular is the target shooting segment, it's neat conceptually but the score requirement is extremely tight to the point it took me quite a while to beat. I'll also mention that the pink trap needle stage was incredibly unfun to me, if it was easier maybe it would be tolerable but non-easy needle with traps is simply unfun to me. Bosses are found at the end of every stage, most of them are fine but I will mention be wary of stray bullets when the boss dies as I double KO'd to almost every fight in the game.
Overall, it's got some harsh points in it, but I think it's probably worth playing if you like Azure's games. I'd recommend it
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As mentioned, there are a lot of stages connected via a hub, and each one generally comes with some gimmick to deal with. The most notable ones from this game might be recognizable to the average fangamer, these being the famous pastel spikes. Other interesting gimmicks include a Waddle Dee which you must protect from harm, as well as a broom you can fly with in order to engage in some rather wicked fights. The roughness though comes from the difficulty of these stages, I think the actual implementation of the gimmicks lessens the amount of fun one might have due to the high execution requirement for a lot of segments. One part in particular is the target shooting segment, it's neat conceptually but the score requirement is extremely tight to the point it took me quite a while to beat. I'll also mention that the pink trap needle stage was incredibly unfun to me, if it was easier maybe it would be tolerable but non-easy needle with traps is simply unfun to me. Bosses are found at the end of every stage, most of them are fine but I will mention be wary of stray bullets when the boss dies as I double KO'd to almost every fight in the game.
Overall, it's got some harsh points in it, but I think it's probably worth playing if you like Azure's games. I'd recommend it
Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 65 65
Dec 30, 2022