12 Reviews:
Short adventure game. Music was ok.
Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 25, 2020
A short but sweet game featuring two stages and bosses. The production value is pretty good and each screen feels a little different from the last, keeping things fresh and interesting. There is a fair amount of traps and trolls hidden throughout but they didn't bother me too much. The difficulty isn't substantial, and pretty fitting for people of any skill level which also made the traps much more bearable for me. The bosses were fun and also relatively easy to learn with no real complex RNG or patterns.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a short enjoyable game!
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Would recommend to anyone looking for a short enjoyable game!
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 30 30
Apr 10, 2016