35 Reviews:
Annoying 200f game with some questionable design choices. First gripe, the difficulty curve is awful. I had 0 deaths in the first 50 floors. Doing the first 25 deathless would be fairly easy for anyone who's ever played a platformer. These floors don't need to exist, and just waste a lot of time. Then comes the ice area. The acceleration on ice is ridiculous, and is really awkward. The lava area is fine, but too much waiting for platforms, and the platforms are hard to see. Other than those minor gripes, the game is decent up until the last 25 floors. The first part of this uses push block puzzles, that are less puzzles and more just backtracking challenges. The blocks get stuck on top of each other, but doing this is essential for some solutions. There are also teleporter mazes and sections that require you to replay previous rooms. The second half introduces sideways gravity, and instead of using it for cool flowing maneuvers, it's everyone's favorite usage of gravity: difficult platforming but you can't see normally and it's awkward. These floors are a significant difficulty increase, and floor 198 is just floor 197 upside down, which is really annoying. The final floor is a "classic" guess where the next block will appear section, and some blocks will disappear faster. These last 25 floors really drag down the entire game, and make it so I wouldn't really recommend this game at all.
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 14, 2022
Kamilia was ahead of his time with this game.
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Rating: 7.8 78
Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 10, 2021
Very good 200f game, it starts as a walk in a park and progressively becomes harder. I usually dislike the early of that kind of games because they are empty, but I had a good time with this one, and later stages are really good and interesting. The last stage especially is incredibly well-designed. The production is also quite high. The game is supposed to have secrets but I didn't found any of them. It was supposed to be a 1000f but I believe it will never be finished so just enjoy what the game currently is, would recommend.
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Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 48 48
Jul 29, 2020