Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
I wanna be the 8bit 49.0 8.2 63
I wanna Advent 53.9 7.4 68
I wanna be the Anarchistificationator 43.8 6.1 5
I wanna be a Big man! 85.0 3.6 9
I wanna be making forever enjoy Desperately2 58.0 4.2 6
Bloody Rabbit Spike 73.7 3.2 4
I Wanna Be The Bravest Adventurer v0.99 41.6 5.1 6
I wanna call me it. 69.6 8.0 45
I wanna challenge Kamirin 48.4 6.7 33
I wanna be the CielArc 50.8 6.6 5
I wanna Classic 80.7 8.3 27
I wanna collect the treasures 52.0 5.0 1
Collection of my previous works 43.0 4.1 5
I wanna conceptualize the Omnitruncated Tesseract 48.3 6.3 13
I wanna be the Cool guy 49.1 6.8 10
I wanna be the Copious 55.0 2.9 4
I wanna be the Crimson 74.2 7.2 81
Crimson Needle 3 89.1 9.2 104
I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams 26.1 7.7 90
I Wanna Destroy the Needleverse Ez 45.3 8.6 13
I wanna be the Device 70.7 4.9 18
I wanna be the Discipline 40.0 5.4 7
I wanna be the distant memory 10.0 3.0 2
I wanna be the Distrust 66.2 4.4 7
I wanna dodge the Yuzuki Spike 43.4 6.2 14
I wanna dodge the Yuzuki Spike -easy Edition- 21.9 6.2 14
I wanna drink the TEA 50.0 4.4 8
I wanna be the Easy needle 31.4 3.9 14
I wanna be the enjoy travel 40.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the Evolution 54.0 1.8 4
I Wanna be the Excalibur 76.5 1.4 3
Extreme Depths 2 66.4 8.3 26
I Wanna Find The Cherry 34.8 5.9 4
I wanna fly the Sky 75.0 4.5 3
I Wanna Be the Fortress Returns 41.4 4.4 27
Fumo just a week away 33.0 6.6 8
I wanna be the GAME of DEATH 70.0 0.6 3
I wanna be the GAME of DEATH [Revenge] N/A 0.5 2
I wanna get the Item 6+6 36.9 3.7 7
I Wanna Get The XP 43.6 5.1 10
I wanna go the JUN-G World 33.0 7.1 55
I wanna be THE GUNFIGHTER 100.0 0.0 4
I wanna be the hades↑ 76.2 4.2 7
I wanna Have Mongolism 78.7 0.9 5
Hipatya In I wanna world 26.1 6.4 12
I wanna be the Hyper 2 43.0 5.2 3
I wannyaaaaaaaaaa 41.3 7.8 39
I wanna be the Japanese! 55.7 6.1 4
I wanna be the kaizo 33.5 7.1 2
I Wanna Kill The Crazy Frog 55.0 8.1 9
I Wanna Kill The Hardest Fangame 51.5 6.1 10
i wanna kill the king of moyasi 60.0 3.1 2
I wanna kill the Maker 60.9 7.3 63
I wanna kill the riot3121 32.3 4.5 8
I wanna be the K·k·K 71.0 3.3 2
I wanna be the LemonTrap 72.5 7.3 5
I Wanna Lick The Feet 72.4 7.4 9
I wanna be the Lite 33.5 1.8 2
I wanna be the Little Devil 66.0 5.8 2
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster3 vs Love Dragons Remake 36.0 7.3 4
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster3!! vs Love Dragons!! 47.7 3.9 4
I Wanna Love My Little Rooms 63.8 7.6 6
I wanna love sharon 59.5 6.9 13
I wanna make the 'aiwana' 39.3 5.5 6
I wanna be the Marvelous Gunners 58.5 7.6 3
I wanna be the NegiTrap 77.5 3.7 4
Not Another Falling Game 70.5 8.4 16
Not Another Magic Tower Game 77.6 9.2 78
Not Another Needle Game 68.9 9.2 270
I wanna be the poetic dance 50.9 7.0 9
I wanna pony 75.0 3.5 4
I wanna progress without Purpose 77.8 7.7 5
I wanna Quality 60.0 2.0 1
I wanna be the Rain 24.4 7.2 32
I wanna be the rainbow MIKU 70.0 6.6 17
I wanna remember our time N/A N/A 1
I wanna Rose Gear 51.8 7.1 34
I wanna be the RUKIMIN!7(SEVEN!) 51.5 6.3 39
I wanna SADAME 50.5 7.0 3
I wanna be the Salt 38.0 6.6 41
I wanna be the Second Challenger 28.0 4.1 5
I wanna see the mldsdt 63.4 2.6 7
SHOOT: Taming the ruins 55.7 9.7 21
I wanna stop the Heart Beats 52.7 8.7 31
I wanna Suck the Water 66.4 7.8 8
I Wanna Be The Super Star - World 1 N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Be the Symmetry 67.4 6.5 17
I Wanna Be The TAS+ N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Be The Tenshi Neddle 56.5 4.1 7
I Wanna Traverse The Harvest 57.6 8.4 15
I wanna be the Tribute 46.8 4.0 34
I wanna Unknown Medley 60.5 5.9 12
I wanna be the way 28.0 2.8 4
I wanna be the World Master 43.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the わーぷ 26.7 1.0 9
キッド君のおさんぽ 14.3 5.9 28
I wanna be the ドS 70.0 1.2 2