22 Reviews:
Rating based on normal difficulty.
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Rating: 9.1 91
Difficulty: 72 72
Feb 24, 2020
Rating based on the easier of the two difficulties.
Mixed feelings about this one. The start is not great with it feeling like the shortest possible path from jtool to game and a lot of save imbalance and a lot of tedious 32px stuff with straight line paths. It also has basically no production value, using RMJ/Jtool sprites (that while functional are not interesting) and last for a while.
It definitely got better though, the next stages had far more interesting design - both level and jump wise and felt like a much smoother experience. They additionally had slightly more interesting (and less white, which may not bother everyone but I don't enjoy looking at the constant bright tiles on bright background) visuals. Music was fitting and it closes in an amusing little finish.
Overall its solid but it requires slogging through some weaker stuff to get to the better stuff, which is unfortunate. I'd recommend it to someone looking for a lengthy needle game in the intermediate to advanced range.
Mixed feelings about this one. The start is not great with it feeling like the shortest possible path from jtool to game and a lot of save imbalance and a lot of tedious 32px stuff with straight line paths. It also has basically no production value, using RMJ/Jtool sprites (that while functional are not interesting) and last for a while.
It definitely got better though, the next stages had far more interesting design - both level and jump wise and felt like a much smoother experience. They additionally had slightly more interesting (and less white, which may not bother everyone but I don't enjoy looking at the constant bright tiles on bright background) visuals. Music was fitting and it closes in an amusing little finish.
Overall its solid but it requires slogging through some weaker stuff to get to the better stuff, which is unfortunate. I'd recommend it to someone looking for a lengthy needle game in the intermediate to advanced range.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 67 67
Jun 5, 2018
I had a lot of trouble with this game my first time through, but upon a replay I found it to be a very smooth experience. Recommended for more experienced needle players who want something chill, but with enough content to keep you occupied.
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Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 27, 2018