I wanna be Abducted

Creator: dopamine

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.1 / 100
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Adventure (11) Needle (18) Gimmick (2) Long (2) Horror (2) Yumenikki (2) surreal (1) Collectathon (2) artistic_vision (1) Atmosphere (1) Easter (1) egg (1)


  • by dopamine
  • by Anonymous
  • by dopamine
  • by dopamine
  • by dopamine
  • by Essisten

58 Reviews:

It is quite long and difficult but very doable.
Has a few gimmicks throughout and is very well-made.
Sometimes the jumps can be super annoying and usually there's the one jump that's significantly harder then anything else. But hey, I finished it!

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Long
[3] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 19, 2017
Another game with the creepy/strange theme going on. You go around collecting eggs in various stages. The game itself gives off a confusing vibe, as if it knows as much as you do in what is making sense. Level design wise, there's a large bit of good platforming with typical jumps here and there. Definitely a large variety in stages and design so the atmosphere doesn't get stale. The negative about this is that it feels a little unpolished, and I feel like it could have been a bit more solid overall. I would have suggested to put more "information" so you know where to look for the missing eggs, but after completing the game, they're not too hard to find if you look hard enough in each stage.

It's definitely worth a full playthrough and would recommend giving it a shot.

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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 53 53
Jun 2, 2016
I don't normally care about games having a lot of diverse content and am under the impression that focusing too much on it when creating a game only hurts the overall product by sacrificing the quality of individual stages and areas. As such, I was skeptical going into this game. Luckily for me, dopamine is one of the few fangame creators capable of pulling this off.

Rather than trying to ham-fist in whatever gimmicks come to mind or trying to copy content from random commercial 2D games, he didn't try to reinvent the tried and true gameplay mechanics we've come to know and love, and focused instead on the main aspect that sets him apart from other creators: his ability to create dark and unique atmospheres through fairly simple effects and spot-on choices in music.

Aesthetics alone will never be able to carry a 30+ minute needle game and it isn't uncommon for this fast to be painfully apparent in a lot of games that come out of the community, but fortunately for the player, Dopamine doesn't skimp on his level design. Sure you can say its jumps are unique "unique," design is "non-generic," or whatever other elements are whatever other buzz-words people throw around for community-approved needle games, but what draws me to Dopamine's games is that rather than stringing together several screens worth of individual jumps, it always feels like his room layouts are focused primarily on how you move through them and he isn't afraid of using named or "boring" spike arrangements where they get the job done and make the segment flow well (I particularly liked how he used a certain screen taken almost directly from I wanna give the cat some acid).

On release, the water had the same bug as meltdown, where your jumps are delayed a frame, but that was since patched. Also, the vines were implemented in a way that makes them feel slightly different from most games, but they aren't too hard to get used to. There are a couple other bugs that haven't been fixed, but they don't have a big enough effect on the game to bring down my opinion.

This game is by far my favorite product of the English-speaking fangame community. It completely avoided the mistakes many makers make when trying too hard to fit their games to the tastes and design philosophies of armchair fangame critics, and wasn't afraid to let every stage become what it wanted to be. I'm already looking forward to whatever else this creator has in store for the future.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 50 50
May 30, 2016
This is a fantastic needle adventure game with a dark theme to it. The player basically has to explore a series of interconnected dark needle rooms looking for 24 eggs hidden through the various areas. All of the various rooms have creative visuals, music, and platforming. Some of the eggs are hidden in secret places through fake walls, most of which are obvious. Overall its a unique and well made game that I highly recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 55 55
May 28, 2016
This game has great atmosphere, but the general quality relies too much on it. That is, the gameplay is sub-par, and this proved to me when the moment there was a song choice I really didn't like, I started getting annoyed. Still, I enjoyed the experience. I feel like it would have a larger imppact if the game was longer.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
May 24, 2024