I wanna be Abducted

Creator: dopamine

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.1 / 100
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Adventure (11) Needle (18) Gimmick (2) Long (2) Horror (2) Yumenikki (2) surreal (1) Collectathon (2) artistic_vision (1) Atmosphere (1) Easter (1) egg (1)


  • by dopamine
  • by Anonymous
  • by dopamine
  • by dopamine
  • by dopamine
  • by Essisten

58 Reviews:

Beautiful atmospheric needle game involving creepy areas and a literal easter egg hunt. The game is legitimately creepy in places, and the atmosphere is a masterwork. Who would expect less from the legend Dopamine though. What I really appreciate is that the variety of areas all feel distinct, and it never feels like you're playing the same thing twice. This is true in both aesthetic and gameplay. One notable area has no save, creating an incredibly tense mood that's only compounded by the look and sound. The jumps can be a bit precise at times, but it's never too much. Often, there are segments that contain repetitive small jumps. This can be annoying, but it's never taken too far, and I honestly believe that these segments are intentionally designed to evoke an uncomfortable feeling, to get the player mentally aligned with the terror the game brings. While the needle isn't the best, this game has such a masterful command of evocative atmosphere that it's an easy recommendation. Be prepared for a game that knows how to really drag you into the emotions it brings, and one of the best horror fangames, even if it stops just short of actually being scary.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 56 56
Jul 10, 2022
I Wanna be Abducted (the little-known sequel to The Ramones' I Wanna be Sedated) is a dopamine classic built with the sole intention of delving into the surreal, this dive being explained through egg collection a la the day of Easter. You have all your classic hallmarks of dopamine needle plus a bit of inspiration from Mr. Wonderful's Kill the Kermit. Truly, there's nothing to complain about here.

There are twenty-four eggs and your goal is to put those eggs all in one basket. In which order you choose to retrieve those eggs is essentially up to you. There are three hub worlds with four doors each, though you cannot access the second hub world until you've found enough eggs in the first hub world, and the third is similarly locked out. Nonetheless, aside from that limitation, how you choose to explore these needle screens is entirely up to you. These stages place a massive focus on flow and pathing, dropping the need for cleverly made jumps and maneuvers (though certainly you'll not be in want of that either, it's merely not the main draw of the game), though the final hub world sort of lacks in that respect. The first two stages, you'll find yourself treading on old ground a fair bit of time searching for eggs, but it never feels redundant or tiring; instead, the excitement of searching through each stage with a fine-tooth comb looking for the eggs you so desire (as well as a few EASTER eggs here and there) totally overrides any sense of boredom one could come down with should these levels have been presented as mere needle.

The final stage, however, sort of pulls back on this sort of level design and instead gives you more straight-forward needle, though it is well-designed needle nonetheless. These levels, then, were the low-light of my Abduction experience, but by no means bad or even just good. My other complaint would lie with the music choices in some levels. Though I liked all the music, I felt that some areas had music choices which were detrimental to the overall surreal and creepy mood of the game, that mood which acts as the game's greatest boon. You're dropped into a foreign world reminiscent of Yume Nikki and you're only directive is to find eggs; otherwise, you're given no guidance nor information on the world surrounding you. The various disturbing figures and images you'll see in your journey will not fill you in on what you're exploring, they'll merely inform you that you're not alone in this land. All this is to say, dopamine was quite successful in building the aesthetic of Abducted, but sometimes I felt the music choices took away from that foreign feeling; for example, the song in the third hub world stage with the gun pointed at you in the background, though good, was a bit too catchy and up-beat to me. In fact, I would have preferred if every song were instrumentals (creepy ones, obviously), but the music did not detract from my experience in any meaningful way.

Loaded with atmosphere and dripping with a moody aesthetic, I Wanna be Abducted does not disappoint in the slightest and holds up rather well four years later. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone with an enjoyment for collect-a-thons and place an importance on the aesthetic in their fangames.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 53 53
Jun 22, 2020
The atmosphere really brings this game together. I think the type of needle is possibly the best way to make a dark dreary game setting like this. Absolutely amazing.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
May 25, 2019
It's fun,and has“Yumenikki”elements
Or more like a tribute to “Yumenikki”.
BAD END was a little scary,TRUE END was cure.
^ - ^

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Yumenikki
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 6, 2019
One of the best needle games available. Extremely unique and even to this day I haven't really seen anything like it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Collectathon
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Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 9, 2018