Creator's Comments:
LOLGamer [Creator]
really bad unplayable broken game
Tagged as: Visual_Challenge
[5] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Dec 10, 2016
18 Reviews:
Absolutely terrible game, looks broken in certain areas and ugly all around. In two areas I savefucked myself, so I gave up on them (also,instead of taking out the areas where it can happen since they're shit, he just tells you to back up your save). One area I simply did not know what to do and I didn't put the effort in. One area didn't even work, and the last area had platforming taken out of the original guy game but with super speed. After that, there was some original platforming, but five billion red eyes spewed out of your body so you couldn't see shit or do shit with lag, so I gave the entire game up. Music was absolutely terrible, in fact some of it wasn't even music. Wouldn't recommend the game at gun point. No difficulty scale because I didn't finish the game.
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Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: N/A
Nov 27, 2016