I Wanna Nostalgia

Creators: Countershooter, Rasty

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
67.3 / 100
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Adventure (8) Needle (6) Avoidance (4) Gimmick (1) Boss (5) NAFM2018 (1)


  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by SUDALV
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolfiexe

Creator's Comments:

Rasty [Creator]
This game made special for Not Another Fangame Marathon.
I hope you will enjoy it :)

Game has been updated, link the same, changed balance (added saves, tips, nerfs at platforming).
UPD 08.10.18
Changed some things at stages (nerfs), fixed 2 issues, link the same.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 26, 2018

26 Reviews:

Nostalgia features various classic game inspired stages that are pretty much translated 1 to 1, with different obstacles and fangame physics. I thought this was really cool, especially for the Battletoads stage (since that's the one I've actually played so seeing the Arctic Caverns re-imagined brought a lot of the titular nostalgia). My biggest persistent issue is visual clutter in a few areas, particularly in the Contra stages, where the bright and detailed backgrounds don't work well with the small object sprites of fangames. I also wasn't a fan of the Doom area. I respect the detail and creativity that went into it, but I personally didn't find it fun, as the enemies are so tanky that often the best approach seemed to be to just try to run through and try to not take too much damage.

The final boss is my favourite part of the game, though yes, it's also ridiculously harder than the rest of the game, taking up most of my playtime. Be aware of that going in, and you'll probably have a fun time with this.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 71 71
Dec 29, 2019
Красиво сделанная игра, спасибо за ретро уровни, всплакнул. Замечания, конечно, тоже есть. Во-первых, надо исправлять баги с последним боссом, когда проваливаешься сквозь текстуры на оранжевом шаре на второй стадии, очень бесили, хоть и встречались всего 2 раза, но всегда в неподходящий момент. И вопрос, почему поставил 8.5 балла - объясню, полбалла сниму за последнюю форму, знаю, на любителя, но всё же в босса хочется пострелять, а не эвойдденсить. Еще полбалла за то что нет настройки управления и последний уровень с шипами, понимаю, что может и фича по сюжету, но сюжета, по сути как такого и нет, это лишнее. И еще полбалла за то, что первая форма уж очень затянутая, парни, я все понимаю, но все же тратить 7 часов своей жизни на патерны и прочее, лучше посвятить жизни. Да, это Бошеподобная игра, но и она была гуманнее, по крайней мере по времени, без обид. А так, парни молодцы, спасибо им за игру, красавцы, надеюсь учтут все во второй части и выдадут нам шедевр!

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 12, 2019
Nostalgia was made for 2018 Russian Fangame Marathon, and is focused primarily on more retro games such as Contra, Battletoads and some other classics. It's a pretty solid adventure game with a bunch of optional secrets and varied content throughout, making for a fun time.

Each stage follows a different game and style, although having said that I actually thought the first 2 stages were from the same game(?), though perhaps this is moreso because of the similar visual style of the majority of the referenced games. One of the later stages in particular was a highlight, with the DOOM stage being very unique and interesting. I did find it a bit much at times in terms of enemy complexity, and think the sound effect overload could've been toned down a lot, but it was very memorable.

The bosses generally fit the stage and are pretty fun to play, although the final boss is the most notable part of the game particularly from a time perspective. It's very long and whilst not terribly demanding, there's such a large variety of attacks that it inevitably takes a while to learn and execute everything correctly, making for a finale that takes up a very sizeable chunk of your playtime. Perhaps it could've simply done with less colours to make the fight shorter, or maybe less HP for each individual colour. It's a really fun fight, but it just felt a little too long and drawn-out given the nature of the rest of the game.

I also had a slight gripe with the way the finale ended, with something being telegraphed in a way that didn't feel obvious to me. I actually really liked the concept of it too and it led into the credits in a great way, but I was left very confused the first time it happened.

Overall it's a fun time. If you're after an adventure with some retro-game throwbacks and a fair bit of variety here and there, you should enjoy this. Just expect a bit of a step-up in challenge when you reach the finale.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Boss
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 21, 2019
Amazing game with nice visuals and interesting and different stages. Would highly recommend to try it if you are good at fangames.
Really liked everything except for a few attacks at final boss and final avoidance. Never thought i would enjoy needle stage so much as I did

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 71 71
Nov 25, 2018
I enjoyed it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Boss
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Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 70 70
Oct 10, 2018