I Wanna One Room

Creators: pieceofcheese87, IanAnth66

Average Rating
7.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.6 / 100
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Needle (5) Gimmick (4)


  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob

Creator's Comments:

Bob [Creator]
If you get an error while loading a savefile on the new version, just hit ignore

We've updated the game to version 1.5:
-Free mode is now not required to unlock hard mode (you just need to clear it on normal)
-Improved screen transitions to prevent insta-deaths
-Added a new "super free" mode after you clear the last stage

Hope this makes the game more enjoyable for those that had issues with parts of it.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 12, 2019

12 Reviews:

Not a bad game, the biggest downsides were the conveyor stage, final stage, and free mode. If you didn't have to play free mode to unlock hard, it'd be much better, it just felt like it was there to inflate the amount of time you need to play the game. Stage 6 was really good on both normal and hard, and is definitely the highlight of the game. I'd recommend this just for stage 6, but the rest was kinda a slog to get through.

EDIT: With the update that removes the requirement of free mode to unlock hard, the game is much better. You now don't have to go through an arbitrary mini game to continue the game, and free mode is now there as an optional high score challenge if that's what you want to do.

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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 50 50
Jan 11, 2019
Alright guys. There's something that's been bothering me for a long time. https://pastebin.com/FHbVg4hq

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 11, 2019
A full platforming game with a pretty hefty amount of content.

The premise is one often seen and the core for a handful of other games - take a generalized screen layout and make a ton of different rooms designed around it. It does this whole concept quite well, producing a hefty 50 screens per each layout - split 25 and 25 into the original mode and 25 into a hard mode. Despite this large number of screens for each layout, it ends up not feeling repetitive for the most part, as the logical gameflow means you're swinging by each layout in two batches, rather than all at once, and most of the segments are short and fastpaced.

The design features some fairly traditional gimmicks - shootable blocks, water, conveyors, triple jump and moving objects - and mixes and matches them amongst the many stages quite well. The cycles in particular end up defining a lot of the gameplay and do a good job of keeping things moving and interesting.

Overall, if you want a full-on platforming experience that isn't too hard, this is well done and solid. I wouldn't say anything about it is going to be something impactful that I remember in the long run, but it is fun. Especially for newer players, this starts very accessible and can be something to build up on over time.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 60 60
May 25, 2022
One Room is an enjoyable needle/gimmick game with the core focus being around each stage having only one room, or at least in terms of the border/shape. The content of the room is rearranged and re-designed every screen making for lots of variety built upon whatever the stage gimmick may be.

There's a handful of gimmicks such as water bubbles and wacky fireballs, and I was a fan of just about all of them. The conveyor stage did have some frustrating parts to it for me but in general I'm not a big fan of that gimmick to begin with, and there will still some cool ideas such as the teleporting-highspeed conveyors.

The production value of the game is very slick, with some pretty fancy tilesets and visual effects to spruce things up. I also enjoyed the assumingly-handdrawn graphics for the jump star, which are also a nice touch for me.

After clearing the game on normal you will unlock hard mode, which buffs or even completely changes every screen in the game. I found this to be surprisingly fun as hard modes are always hit or miss for me depending on how they actually change the gameplay. My only real complaint is that the conveyor stage had a couple of really difficult segments which and in general just felt far longer than all the other stages, although it's more likely just because of me getting stuck there.

Worth a play for sure. I think I was getting a little tired of the same room formats by the end but that is essentially what the game is all about, so if you're not opposed to that then you should enjoy yourself here.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 2, 2019
Free mode and hard mode of stage 6 were both the hardest yet best stages. In contrast, final stage is kind of a joke for the most part, many of the room were poorly made compared to the previous ones. Taken as a whole, it's a great game though. I mostly had fun.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 63 63
Jan 20, 2019