I wanna celebrate Altale Fuduki

Creator: snow

Average Rating
7.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
44.5 / 100
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Avoidance (7) Barrage (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

12 Reviews:

very fun and simple, mainly rng-based barrage. there's like one difficult attack that's kinda hard (blue spray near the middle of the avoidance) and that's about it

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Tagged as: Avoidance Barrage
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 43 43
Jul 31, 2024
Great avoidance that despite looking simple is very charming. The attacks were fun and RNG wasn't so bad. If you want to play a good snow avoidance, this is one shiny example.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 21, 2023
Pretty fun boss to play blind.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 6, 2020
My favourite snow avoidance so far, although it was pretty unknown for many years.

I wanna celebrate Altale Fuduki originally was made in November 14th 2016 and looks like was public on author's twitter (or was given directly to particular players) . In three day period there were released several clear videos, including pyuw's (Cat Endure's), sunbla's and plynq's (unlisted) . And then for some reason there were almost no videos at all of this game for several years. I have seen zero's video in 2019 and that is it. I guess game got private pretty quickly for some reason.

And yet game got now its popularity due to release of FSR avoidance, where it was included with non-official link.

Since game was included in gold category of FSR avoidance, I decided of beating this game (I have played it for around 20 minutes around a year ago, but I played blindly and without real goal to beat it. I dropped on fast blue pattern in the small room) .

Avoidance uses song 'Altale' and is around 3 minutes long. It is going to be pretty easy to recognize snow's style for players who have played at least some of snow's games. And yet this game manages to be different than many other author's games.

Firstly, I do not recognize many times when snow would try to experiment with different room layout. This time you teleport from standard room to smaller one and then back to standard with small additions later on.

Secondly, visual effects actually are surprising. Beautiful colour choice for background effect changes and colours for fruits. Cool 3D rotating effect. And, yes, I know that it is used in I Wanna Break The Series Z 3 Sasanoke area, but, hey, that does not make it automatically bad, OK?

Thirdly, gameplay seems simple, but it does not feel generic or wrong, it fits perfectly in the game. And more importantly: author actually balanced RNG attacks so that they are pretty fair and won't make player both much about them. That is especially important for such type of attacks like bouncing and last curving. Maybe patterns seem confusing, but in reality they are not so hard or precise at all. Requires some learning, but nothing too serious. Getting up on blocks on one attack seems scary, but I guess it is OK? Oh, and yeah, final attack looks questionable though. Those curving fruits can give a trouble. But, still, I cleared this avoidance 2 times and that attack never killed me, so maybe it is actually OK.

I actually wished that this game has better music synchronisation in the beginning, as well as, different type of the first attack. I had feeling that I am missing something and that something is wrong. Not that is a big problem, it looks fine, but I had feeling that I wanted something to be different.

Also I am confused why this game has so whimsical audiovisual choice for title screen. It does not make any sense. It has very active soundtrack with title screen which gives impressison that there is going to be some barrage in this game. I guess black colour and title's font could be different.

Anyway, I had fun with this game. I am glad that I suggested to add this game in FSR avoidance, and that I had time to play it. It is not annoying and is a good game even on second playthrough. Again, I do not know why snow never released this game on wiki. This avoidance is amazing, I have to say.

Highly would recommend to any avoidance player.

P.S. Shoutouts to IgorbSV! He was the real reason why I suggested this game to FSR avoidance. IgorbSV tested many games I gave him to try, and he was very positive towards this game. I was surprised, but I took that in mind. And after almost a year I remembered about this game. Pretty funny, have to say.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 46 46
Aug 17, 2020
Приятный авоиденс, в основном рандомчик, в середине есть немного не сложных паттернов (может понадобиться несколько попыток чтобы выучить, но ничего такого)

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 26, 2020