I Wanna Kill The Awsl

Creator: Oaaaaak

Average Rating
7.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
59.6 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Avoidance (2) Medley (4) Boss (1) Secrets (1) Happil (2) unfinished (2)


  • by Kuroneko
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by kurath
  • by Wolsk
  • by Kuroneko
  • by kurath
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Kuroneko
  • by Kuroneko
  • by Wolsk
  • by kurath
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk

Creator's Comments:

Oaaaaak [Creator]
Version 0.2 is updated on January 10, which contains the archive of stage 2, The game ends in stage 3. I can't get in touch with the author of the game stage 3 needs...

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 23, 2020

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