I Wanna Cute Jump!

Creator: LAWatson

Average Rating
8.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
71.9 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (2) Gimmick (3) Boss (1) Puzzle (2) RNG (1) Art (1) SourPls (1) Pathing (1)


  • by NightShark115
  • by bantsmen

Creator's Comments:

lawatson [Creator]
This game is a decently-made needle gimmick game centered around technical aspects of fangame movement and interesting maneuvers. The game is also about overcoming tedium and repetition, which you might or might not be able to overlook. I'd recommend everyone to give it a try, but you definitely have to have a specific taste to make it through the later parts of the game. It starts easy enough but gets noticeably harder as you progress. The game also has secrets, which is where that 80 difficulty rating is coming from.

As the developer, I recommend this game for anyone who wants to try an unconventional style of fangame, or anyone who is perfectly on board with getting stuck on weird seemingly impossible levels a lot.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 80 80
Jan 2, 2020

9 Reviews:

This game is one of my favorite games i've played, it feels like it was made for someone like me to enjoy on almost every step of the way, honestly unbelievable
I might go for 100% someday

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 7, 2022
A very cool game, but not at all my sort of thing. I appreciate a lot of parts about it, and it has some really cool puzzles, but a lot of the game is focused on attempting to waste your time between attempts whether it be blocks that count down a specific amount of seconds before breaking to let you through, or these bird things that you need to fly to the correct part of the screen very very slowly. I understand that's what the creator was going for, but I feel like some of these could have been sped up a little bit more. I would personally really suggest trying this game out though if this doesn't sound like an issue to you. It has a lot of really cool parts to it, I just couldn't be bothered to finish it.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 68 68
Jan 10, 2020
A somewhat unusual adventure game that will test your luck, patience, and puzzle solving skills. The majority of the levels are heavily influenced by the game which inspired it, Cute Jump. Because of this, the game inherently has a number of questionable mechanics, notably the Luck blocks (have a certain % chance of being solid), Timer blocks (count down before breaking), and extremely slow/precise Bird movement (a controllable block). They're typically used fairly, but are occasionally taken to their extremes, either for the sake of comedy or frustration, as it was in the original Cute Jump.

Strangeness aside, it's very well made, and there's a lot of creativity and charm packed into this that's worth checking out. Plenty of tricky puzzles that will lead to that satisfying "a-ha!" moment after a bit of perseverance, along with some fun platforming in general.

Possibly one downside of it being so faithful to the original is the difficulty, in that it will alienate a lot of players with the skill needed alone. It does require some basic knowledge of aligns, and the overall difficulty rises sharply throughout the game, especially towards the end. I think experienced players will get the most enjoyment out of it, but I'd still highly recommend this to anyone looking for a unique challenge.

Rating based on any%

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Puzzle SourPls
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Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 72 72
Jul 6, 2021