Creator's Comments:
AlexBrogan [Creator]
Float. is my first game in a long time and it feels good to release something. I decide to jump on the gimmick bandwagon, but the game turned out to be much more puzzly than I had originally intended. It was inspired by Dreamroamer, but don't expect it to be particularly similar. Also, don't expect it to be anything like anything else I've ever released.
[4] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 30, 2021
36 Reviews:
I had fun with this though IMO most of the difficulty is in figuring out the pathing of the later levels; the needle itself, once figured, is fairly easy. It might cause you to stop and think a bit, but this isn't something that newer players would need to avoid. So, with that in mind I'm going against the grain. I believe the difficulty rating should be a fair bit lower than it sits currently. Getting through this one isn't going to be so reliant on a traditional fangame skillset.
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.2 82
Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 7, 2023