I Wanna Super Ability

Creator: 魔方12139

Average Rating
7.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.3 / 100
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Adventure (3) Avoidance (2) Trap (3) Gimmick (3) Boss (2) Puzzle (1) Meme (1) Bosses (2)


  • by Stitchball
  • by Stitchball

7 Reviews:

The gimmick is very innovative and incredible, although there are some annoy points about the first boss and some saves in the second stage. Highly recommend.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 57 57
Feb 4, 2024
Interesting game that can be considered somewhat of hidden gem i believe. There's two stages in this game: first one is IWM visually stage filled with traps and default gimmicks. They are kinda mixed in good way, even tho i didn't find this stage like awesome. First boss that follows the stage is pretty hard tbh considering stage wasn't tough at all, but it was interesting and unique, so i had fun

Second stage introduces very great gimmick based on manipulating every object that has green color in (including vines, buttons and so on). It's actually charming gimmick, after it's appearance game evidently becomes way more enjoyable in terms of platforming. But unfortunately there was some pain through - some puzzles are very awkward in bad way and one exact save requires you to do pretty mind-blowing set of actions, that is actually like hard, and the bad part is you will need to break through easy and boring first part of save everytime, which makes this save very miserable imo. But overall, this stage was very fun still

After platforming there will be two short vocaloid avoidances. They are not great, but they are short and okay-ish. And then there will be final boss, divided by two phases. Both phases were great, quite learny which can stop you from quick progress, but they are still fun to play, with some nice visual pseudo-3D decisions and green gimmick will also make it's appearance here. Stylish way to end this game, enjoyed this boss a lot

Overall, it was decent experience. Deserves your shot, if you like some gimmick and puzzles for sure

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Gimmick Boss Puzzle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 64 64
Jul 2, 2023
Pretty solid little adventure style game utilizing some frequently seen gimmicks initially and then building a second segment around a fairly well executed color toggling gimmick.

Music and visuals are very clean and despite the risk of the gimmick getting cluttered or confusing, the maker did a good job ensuring that never happened.

Platforming wise, its mostly your standard trap/needle fare with a couple thinkers along the way and unfortunately a couple really confusing and questionable saves that function as an unfortunate speedbump in getting through and enjoying it, but for the most part was solid.

There's two bosses and two avoidances as well, which really stand out from one another for better or for worse. Enjoyed 3 of 4, but one of the avoidances was mostly unpleasant. The final boss for this is pretty much the main reason to play the game, in my opinion, and if you like cool gimmicky bosses, I would say is a good enough reason to play the game alone. So recommendation for that.

Overall, its mostly good with a handful of rough spots that unfortunately end up being some of the harder things in the game but I enjoyed it. As previously said, if you like creative gimmick bosses and are willing to work a bit to get there, its very recommended, otherwise its a solid package but not a must-play.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 7, 2021
A game with many ups and downs.

There are 2 stages filled with traps and a lot of speed changes and while traps are mostly decent and not too annoying, slow speed is pretty bad and high speed is sometimes used to highly disgusting ways like a long diagonal in stage 2. From stage 2 it also has a gimmick that allow you to press X to become immune to green shits but also unable to interact with them, meaning that you have to constantly change at the right timming to do things which is pretty neat...but only explained in the read me (which is btw in a weird format, you need to change it) and not in the game. I had a huge brain moment at the beginning of stage 2 because I had no idea what to do.

About the bosses, boss 1 suck, about 2 on 3 attacks can be high bs especially past midlife and before boss 2 there are 2 very short avoidances that are honestly trash even if thanksfully not too hard nor long. However, boss 2 is insanely good and use the green switch gimmick in very cool ways. He's quite harder than the rest but it was so amazing I didn't really care.

If you don't mind speed changes and traps, I can recommend this game only for the final boss, but I can't resolve myself to give a better note considering the crap it has.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 2, 2021
Good trap, but the bosses are too annoyed to play.

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Tagged as: Trap Bosses
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 2, 2021