I wanna be a Big Shot

Creators: RandomErik, EchoMask

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.1 / 100
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Adventure (12) Needle (3) Gimmick (10) Boss (10) IWT (3) Cycle (1)


  • by RandomErik
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius

27 Reviews:

Really enjoyed this adventure game for the tourney.

Gorgeous production and great environments are the standout, but the gameplay in general was quite fun too (though somewhat one dimensional at times, being one of the few criticisms I'd have).

Platforming saves are reasonable and well designed, but are all quite long and can be quite learny, so its not a game to really breeze through, but if you don't mind taking some time to get killed a couple times and stop and look around, its a fun time.

The bosses each have their own surprise and are fun and dynamic, featuring mixed attacks and varying phases.

Overall, the game feels like a solid installment from both Erik and Echo and very distinguishable to their style, so if you enjoy their games, you'll like this too and I'd strongly recommend it. If their design isn't your style, this may not change your mind but worth a try for any interested in adventure games.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 59 59
Jan 7, 2022
Great adventure game by Erik and EchoMask, a maker combo that complement each other like meatballs and mustard. I was particularly impressed by the platforming, especially in the last level. Lots of really neat movement coupled with fun mechanics. The bosses were tougher than I thought they would be and could spark frustration in those who are less interested in adventure-style bosses, but for me they were still quite enjoyable. Pretty fun all around!

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 7, 2022
I really should have listened to myself when I thought about playing this like a year ago! It's an awesome game, really showing Erik's level design chops. The platforming is fantastically done, with a wide variety of obstacles, and a gimmick heavy stage at the end that is frankly immaculate.

The game is really good at making fun long saves, while remaining at an accessible difficulty. The usage of big rooms is really well done, and each save has a good flow and is well balanced. The variety of enemies and obstacles are all used well, each feeling like it gets its time in the limelight.

The bosses are yet another highlight. They mix simple attacks with awesome arena changes to create really memorable fights. All the ways the arenas change or move are super cool, and something that made the bosses feel so much more unique.

Overall, phenomenal adventure game, an easy recommendation for all adventure fans. For those who are also into gimmick needle, this is a must play for the moon stage alone.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 57 57
Jan 22, 2024
Amazing game, as always the visuals are totally top notch, but just talking about the visuals detracts from how solid the gameplay is. Each stage has cool mechanics or even enemies that add to the gameplay and make it more fun and distinct. The three stages feel different and all have cool bosses at the end, especially the final boss. The highlight for me was the third stage, which had awesome gimmicks and felt very fun to learn and perform. All in all it's a beautiful and very fun fangame!

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 51 51
Jul 4, 2023
This is truly an Adventure game that deserves a round of applause, I had an amazing time playing it and think it's one of the strongest starts to 2022 we could have gotten. It combines the style of 2 profound makers in such a harmonious way that by the end I realized they were easily one of the best pair-ups in the community.

Big Shot is an incredible journey through three separate stages, each with its own theme, mechanics, and a boss fight. Each stage is such a visual masterpiece, making this one of the most aesthetically pleasing adventure games there are. The platforming also is pretty damn good for the first two stages, while the third takes it to an even higher plane of enlightenment. The various mechanics throughout the game, such as climbable vines and falling stalactites, help add a wonderful layer of depth to the gameplay as well, and all feel smooth and fluid to play once you learn what to do. It's worth noting that the difficulty increases with each stage, I'd say the first starts in the mid-40s while the final stage reaches almost to a 60, so be wary of that especially if you dislike learn-y saves.

This was truly a treat to play finally, it's definitely one of the most memorable games to come out this year. I really hope that Echo and Erik decide to partner up in the future again, as I think their combination of skills has truly created something magical. They're definitely big shots after making this one.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss IWT
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 23, 2022