4 Reviews:
I've played Noesis and it's actually one of my favorite fangames, even though I've hit a bit of a difficulty wall at the moment, and while this game tries to be like Noesis, a lot of triggers end up being extremely obnuxious, unintuitive and too precise. That might sound like a weird criticism for a game that's *about* precise triggers, but Noesis somehow makes those tight jumps flow extremely splendidly, that's a pretty subjective thing, but usually when I talk to people who dislike Noesis I refer to this as "Noesis magic". There is a boss at the end of the stage though and it's extremely fun! If someone took this boss and put it into Noesis I wouldn't notice, the attack design is that great. This is just a short demo and there IS potential in this game to end up as a kind of unofficial Noesis 2 if the maker tones down on the precision aspect of the needle, good luck to them.
Tagged as: Noesis-Like
[2] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 18, 2022
This is a game heavily inspired by Noesis with similar gameplay and at the time of writing consists of only 1 stage with a boss. The needle is sort of a mixed bag. Some of the jumps and triggers are really cool, others however feel way too precise and also sometimes more like luck and the design generally feels unpolished with the focus on the things being precise instead of flowing well. The boss also I didn't find too fun. The second attack just feels incredibly unfair and attack 3 feels unfitting, again I just think this would need a bit more polishing- I'd encourage the maker to continue making this game as they seem to be on the right track generally, but maybe care for the flow better instead of solely focusing on precision to make things hard.
[1] Like
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 82 82
Jul 9, 2022
unlike everything else tagged as noesis-like, this actually plays like noesis
Tagged as: Noesis-Like
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 18, 2022
Noesis but yellow.
Tagged as: noesis_like
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 17, 2022