I Wanna Go The Twourney

Creators: arzztt, Lemon

Average Rating
7.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.9 / 100
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Adventure (11) Avoidance (2) Trap (7) Gimmick (5) Boss (8) Puzzle (7) Destination (1) Cycle (1) IWT2 (4) Bocchi (1)


  • by arzztt

Creator's Comments:

arzztt [Creator]
An adventure game me and Lemon put together, mainly inspired by and meant to be a homage to the Series Mixture Relay games.
This game was also made for the I Wanna Twourney.
Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Puzzle IWT2
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 19, 2023

24 Reviews:

Pretty rad adventure game that feels like going to an antique car show and being handed free cups of sweet tea. There's a lot of tribute paid to the older eastern fangames here, with clear references to stuff like the Series Mixture Relay series as well as stuff by Azure and Klein. Puzzling segments certainly shine bright in this game, with traps also adding spice to the soup. One boss in particular is definitely memorable due to its signature "brain destroyer" move, you'll need to really show some grit and patience for this beast.

It can get pretty tough at times, but any dedicated adventurer should certainly try this one out.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss Puzzle Bocchi
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 21, 2023
A lovely tribute to the SMR series, consisting of wacky adventure stages, silly bosses, and lots of humor. The game is consistently throwing fresh stuff at you and has lots of great moments. It shows that there's tons of potential for modern adventure games which I would love to see get realized more often. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, the highlights for me were probably the second and fourth stages.

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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 51 51
Nov 21, 2023
I'm not good at puzzle. I prefer the first two stages.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 20, 2023
Really fun game. It has a bit of everything.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 64 64
Nov 20, 2023
Adventure game with the vibes of the older stuff but with a feeling of modernization in both the gameplay and the few bits of humor here and there. There are lots of creative platforming but it shines the most on the puzzle areas.

I cannot speak for those number block things because I have never understood and lets be real I kind of just shoot randomly until my brain recognizes something that works, but the switches and call me it lasers with the addition of those blocks are nothing short of fun and awesome to figure out, and they are not taken to the extreme so most people can give them an attempt. Well, sort of, because one of the switch screens is like way harder than the other ones, and from public reaction, it seems like everyone felt that same spike of difficulty.

Still, while a bit weird, I usually do not think of that as a bad thing and just my brain feeling destroyed out of nowhere as more of a me reaction that I cant avoid, since that screen is still great, just be ready to lose games for a bit.

The bosses are great, but that card boss was just a lot for me as well, and it is included in that difficulty spike with the other screen. Got a bit tilted at it but the ideas are good and creative, I'm just too stupid to handle that type of boss. Still felt great to make it through

Still would recommend, it is very creative.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 65 65
Nov 20, 2023