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For: I wanna gaze at the Horizon
I think a fair disclaimer is in order: this is one of my least favorite fangames. I stopped on the second to last boss, which does mean I've experienced all the platforming. I'm probably going to be a bit harsh and not very objective at all in this review.

Gaze at the Horizon is a very long adventure game with a strong focus on the IWBTG fangame style of puzzles. A one of a kind experience, it pushes this genre to its absolute limits in both complexity and difficulty, and in large parts, I found this to be for the worst.

Let's start with the parts I enjoyed since it's pretty short: Necoroneko's visuals are awesome. Everything seems to have been made by them and there's a lot of effort put even in the smallest details here. Special mention to the kid transformations into slime and spike. I also enjoyed the second half of stage 5, as it had very little platforming focus and individual screens didn't take long. Stage 6 as well for similar reasons. I think that about does it.

There's a lot to dislike about this game, whether it's the touch saves, weird difficulty balance in the platforming parts, extremely questionable gimmicks (pink slimes and nuclear tetris), penalty areas for pausing in a boss... but I think the core offender has to be the maker trying to use every inch of every screen. Some of these puzzle screens have some good ideas which involve using known gimmicks or combining gimmicks in new and creative ways, but this ALWAYS ends up being maybe a tenth of the actual save. The rest of the screen will be filled up with the exact same stuff you already know how to do: you just need to do it in the right order! On top of that, this maker loves tedium and will make you run back and forth between 2 parts of the screen, so expect saves to last several minutes. And since it's IWBTG, you make a single mistake, and it's all back to the start. This is truly the peak of IWBTG fangame puzzle platforming as it showcases its inherent flaw in ways that go beyond infuriating. I gave up halfway through keypick and started using other people's playthroughs.
The bosses are also pretty bad in general. They usually reference the stage gimmick or theme in some way, which is good, but every single one of them has at least one really terrible thing which ends up ruining the fight, ranging from way too much HP to relying on random attacks to progress to Needle Jumpscare. All really simple things that anyone could play and think "Yeah, this would be better without that".

So the platforming is generally some of the worst I've ever had to go through, and the bosses are a disappointment in nearly every case. I'll remember the few good moments I've had playing this game very fondly and wish they had a bigger highlight, but as it is, I cannot recommend this game. Just go play a real puzzle game.

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Tagged as: Adventure Long
[3] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 85 85
Oct 12, 2022
For: I Wanna Graduate From Beginners

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[0] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 23 23
Oct 12, 2022
For: I wanna One Time
Tagged as: Trap Boss Short
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Oct 12, 2022
For: I wanna ↔
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 12, 2022
For: I wanna Halloween needle game(仮)
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 12, 2022
For: A needle
Rating for latest version

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[1] Like
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 12, 2022
For: I wanna be the Beginner's Gocchan 2
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 25 25
Oct 12, 2022
For: I Wanna Rely The Needle 4.5
nothing to complain about

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Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 35 35
Oct 12, 2022
For: I wanna be the I WANNA Star
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 12, 2022
For: I Wanna [VERB] the [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN]
Rating based on "innocent" (normal) difficulty on a previous version of the game.

I Wanna [VERB] the [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] is a 32 pixel needle game which appears to be an easier FTFA like of medium length. The visuals are simple, pleasing, unobtrusive, and consistent with other similar games.

As for the gameplay... There are problems. Save balance is a major issue, for once, which would likely make a playthrough on hard/vhard (the difficulties that seem more "intended") a much more painful ordeal. The jumps themselves, while facilitating more complex movement than you'd expect from an FTFA like, do not get to the level of consistency one would expect/hope for from an FTFA like (which could be also due to the relatively short save length) and has a few particular repeat offenders that feel both inconsistent and frustrating to die to due to appearing to be easy but heavily affected by keyboard/vstring "luck" (full vspeed ledge landings, and the turnaround diagonals). In general, the enjoyment I personally find in FTFA likes is making the seemingly impossible become consistent - Jumps should appear hard so that dying to them feels acceptable, yet either still have a consistent manner to execute them through a setup, or be performed by a string of comfortable (yet precise) inputs to so that the jump feels as though skill of execution is the determining factor in passing or failing. As one can see, this contrasts with the previous points of contention.

This game has an extra screen (or two? I already forgot, if there are two then I'll focus on the last one as it is the more important of them anyhow), which features shorter save length and tighter jumps. To be perfectly frank, some of these felt like luck. Particularly the first jump of either of the final 2 saves. There's also an align issue with the bottom middle save (EDIT: fixed in new version). While there are some cool things here (the jump from the corner through the plane on the top left is really good, and the water plane was also fun), they do not really fit in the context of the game and the parts that felt like luck made me almost want to quit.

In conclusion, I would suggest prospective players to avoid this unless they're significantly better than me at FTFA likes (which, to note, I have cleared Say Something). As for feedback and suggestions for improvement, I'd personally want to see slightly longer saves of jumps of the type I described above - Either hard & precise-looking but with a consistent setup, or jumps that feel natural to do (doublejumping out of corners raised by 2 blocks, tbone diagonals, water dplanes are great example of this).

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 12, 2022
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