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For: I wanna be the gamer 2
I liked some of the setup with the game but it could use some work. Like after killing the boss you should be able to save again instead of having to do the boss battle again. Some of the traps were good and no game over music was a plus but the background was standard.

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Tagged as: Boss Short
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 40 40
Jul 14, 2020
For: Might my Mighty Mite, Wanna Be The Guy
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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 79 79
Jul 14, 2020
For: I wanna be the G
Okayish avoidance that's really well designed but kinda falls apart due to certain design decisions.

Most of the attacks are very cleverly designed and flow well with the rest of the avoidance, but I found the intro to be very boring. You pass through some triangles and rectangles which lasts for around 15 seconds while not much is happening. For some reason I had a hard time with the triangles, where if you jump slightly too high you will always hit the ceiling. While this isn't neccessarily a design flaw, it gave me a bit of trouble because sometimes you land down and you barely hit the triangle and thus die.

The attack after that is in my opinion the hardest part in the avoidance for me. This is where I have to bring up the biggest flaw in the avoidance: The hitbox of the orbs. Most avoidances use glowing orbs nowadays and I always noticed that the creators of these avoidances make the hitbox of the orb be the white light inside of the orb, and this usually results in attacks that are both fine to read and dodge since you're given more room to dodge precise attacks. Here I feel like G fails in that department. As I have mentioned before, the reason why that attack is so hard for me is because you're sometimes forced to sneak into little gaps inbetween the orbs and I'll always end up dying no matter what I'm doing because the hitbox of the orbs is way too big. For me this removes the precision aspect of the avoidance and makes these dodges worthless to do since you end up dying to it most of the time anyways. Finally, the attack can sometimes make you die without any room to dodge due to how dense the screen can become sometimes. It didn't happen a lot to me but it's still worth noting.

The attack after that is a line that curves and turns into a circle. In addition to what I talked about before this feels like the most unfair attack in the fight, as sometimes you have nowhere else to go and if you jump too early into the middle you'll usually fall down and die because you had no space to dodge this attack. This did happen a lot to me and if you die you're forced to do the first 36 seconds of the avoidance again.

It concludes with a circle that destroys itself and leaves trails of orbs around the screen that later go down and later up. If you're unlucky at the start of this attack (due to not paying attention, that's your fault :P) you can sometimes die unexpectedly. The orbs that go down however is a lot more annoying. Most of the time I tried to dodge what's coming under me and I either die because of the orbs that fall down or move upwards and it just straight up feels bullshit sometimes.

The attacks after that are actually good, and besides one attack that's a bit tight to dodge this felt like the most fair part of the avoidance. It just a bit boring sometimes (mainly the attacks where all orbs move to their own position to form some text or Luka's face, this happens twice) and the last 30 seconds are cut off to just thank the player for playing and shows a short credits. I find it weird that it does this twice but it's not a big deal.

Really well made but I heavily disliked how hard the orbs were to dodge here. I don't dislike the avoidance at all; I just think it has some questionable design elements to it. If these weren't presented this could easily have gotten a 9 from me, as it's really fun and the song is great.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 40 40
Jul 14, 2020
For: Needle Hatena
Disclaimer: I was a tester for this game, and my review is undoubtedly affected by it. This review applies to 100%; any% would probably be a 55 to 60 difficulty.

Needle Hatena is a needle collab which achieves what every collab strives for: Variety. No two stages are quite alike, with many stages establishing their own unique niche as well as a few that are grounded in more traditional design. All of the stages are short enough and mostly easy enough to never drag on for too long, and overall the game feels like more than the sum of its parts. With that in mind, let's delve into the individual stages:

PrinceOfLight: A unique stage revolving around catharsis water, which uses lines for blocks and curved lines for spikes. Contains some interesting pathing and long catharsis water drops. Personally I enjoyed it quite a lot, and I wish it had at least another screen.

Shign: A modern approach to needle, with heavy use of water, platforms, vines and jump refreshers, which are used for both pathing and long sequences of jumps without touching the ground. One of my favorite stages, as I very much enjoy that style of needle. Hopefully we'll see more standalone needle games in this style.

Egg: A stage that focuses on interesting jumps and maneuvers that aren't too precise and are generally performed using intuition rather than exact frame inputs, with a sprinkle of catharsis water thrown in. Worth noting is that this stage has a very unique atmosphere, one which I sadly find impossible to describe but should definitely be experienced for oneself. One of the better stages in my opinion.

Lemon: A stage with very long saves but relatively easy jumps, which manages to avoid making generic corridor needle despite many parts being limited in height and verticality. Stationed inside a cave, with a spotlight gimmick (that doesn't really affect the platforming) and fitting music, this stage has one of the more cohesive atmospheres out there. Overall a very good stage.

JPEG: A stage with mostly generic needle, however it is also very much far off from your corner/diagonal/gate spam you see everywhere, and is still fairly enjoyable.

Kittygame: The easiest stage, and fairly short too. The needle isn't very special, but it's still good. A very chill stage, and I had a good time with it.

Chrisay: One of the more interesting takes I've seen on cycles, which contains every aspect of them you can want: The fast cycle, the learny cycles, and the search for a safespot to stand in and evaluate your next step. Another favorite of mine, although personally it was more fun to replay than play for the first time to figure out all of the cycles.

Artimax: An experimental stage, with a bizarre atmosphere and a central theme of conserving your double jump throughout a water level by using vines, with every surface you might want to stand on being covered with spikes. Unfortunately, while the concept is neat, the gameplay suffers a bit for it, as you have to hold down the shift key for extended periods of time and generally do maneuvers that deviate away from normal fangame gameplay where jump height is key. A very polarizing stage for sure, however one I'm glad is included, as it's definitely interesting.

Starzor: One of the more traditional stages, consisting of mostly corridor needle that tries to change the formula a bit. The changes definitely help freshen it out a bit, and coupled with Mario-themed visuals and a banger song elevate it from the relatively poor stage it might have been into a fairly fun experience, even if in my eyes it can't compete with some of the other stages.

Credits: Easy and short, with a small focus on slopes. Has a few generic jumps especially in the corridor section, but as short and easy as it is, I can't really complain. The slopes are definitely the best part though.

Prince 2: Similar to prince 1, except with no ground to rest on, only one save per screen, and a bunch of gravity flippers to compensate. It's also a bit more precise in places compared to prince 1. Due to the difficulty increase and longer saves, this acts as a "stronger" version of prince 1, and combined with the confusion and learniness inherent to gravity flipping this could be a somewhat controversial stage, although I enjoyed it a lot.

Kittygame 2: A mix of generic needle and not so generic needle, but this time it's actually not easy. Has some nonlinear pathing and a few fun drops. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of this one, but it's still decent, and also contains a surprise.

Egg 2: My absolute favorite stage, but also the hardest one, this stage revolves around hard trigger needle, and utilizes water 1 as well as a handful of vines. The triggers are all marked, and even the ones that can be real scamps feel like they contribute to the stage. The flow is consistently very good, which is important in this needle style, especially when the path abruptly changes due to a trigger. Has a vibrant and upbeat atmosphere which contrasts egg 1 which fits very well with the theme of the stage. Overall some of my favorite trigger needle, and I'd like to play more.

Starzor 2: Short and relatively simple, with a focus on vertical play (mostly drops) and a bit of gravity flipping, which is handled very well. Surprisingly very much enjoyable, despite the simplicity, and I'm curious how a few more screens of this would have turned out.

That about wraps it up. As a whole, I would definitely recommend this game, and I've had a very good experience with it even on the stages I didn't like as much. I feel like anyone can find a few stages they will enjoy and cherish, even if they may not like everything.

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Rating: 8.9 89       Difficulty: 68 68
Jul 14, 2020
For: I wanna grow Game
Very short, should only take a few minutes for even a novice. Not that memorable.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 20 20
Jul 14, 2020
For: Needle Hatena
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 67 67
Jul 14, 2020
For: Is The Order An I wanna ?
Four stages needle game in which the difficulty of the third and fourth seem to be a sudden jump from that of the first two.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
Jul 14, 2020
For: I Wanna Kill The Midden-Another
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 77 77
Jul 14, 2020
For: I wanna be the KS
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Jul 14, 2020
For: I Wanna Kill The Awsl
One of the best medley games to come out in recent history. Plus, it's recieving constant updates so it can theoretically only get better. My rating is after clearing v0.3

Edit: (╥﹏╥)

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 58 58
Jul 14, 2020
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