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For: I wanna be the YY
Tagged as: Trap Boss
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the GMO
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 9 9
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the OGM
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 10 10
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the MOG
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 9 9
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna Jumpjumpjump!!!
Pretty bad triple jump needle. One of the saves on the penultimate screen is really atrocious, the rest is just kind of uncomfortable and not fun to play.

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 44 44
Aug 12, 2018
For: The Cardinal House
Honestly, I'm not sure about this game. Its a good game, but the level design isn't quite my cup of tea. I tended to find the platforming parts lasted too long for my taste, and the bosses had really annoying segments. I ended up quitting at boss 5 because I was getting really bored with the game. I would still suggest playing it as it is still a good game, just not my cup of tea.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 12, 2018
For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike
I didn't like this game. I don't think it's very good. It has a lot of really clear flaws, like the black background making some jumps more difficult than they need to be, absolutely nonexistent save balancing with the hardest saves invariably being followed with trivial ones ( there's this gem of a screen where each save is significantly easier than the one prior to it ), and just bad difficulty in general where a save is either trivially easy or only challenging because of a jump that's uncomfortably precise in a weird way ( such as this one ). Overall I just don't think this is a good game in any way, aside not being literally broken or unplayable.

That said, it's such a classic and influential game/series (<3 wolfie) that I'd feel wierd giving it a bad rating. It makes me feel similar to critiquing Super Mario Bros for the NES over its repetitive stage aesthetics and uninspired level design. So, I won't rate this game. I'll just state I didn't like it and move on.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the Kamilia Christmas
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Rating: 6.3 63       Difficulty: 37 37
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna Magical
Not one of Jguy's best efforts. There are some fun jumps here and there, but a lot of it feels pretty uninspired and there are way, way too many side gates/T bones (there's one in almost every save). There's one jump that requires a specific align that isn't really pointed out to the player, but whatever I guess.

Not really worth playing unless you absolutely must play every Uhuhu clone or game by Jguy, imo.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 51 51
Aug 12, 2018
For: Not Another Needle Game
Rating is based on True End, which I finally got around to playing recently after years of nothing but Bad End.

Not Another Needle Game is a great game, worthy of the reputation it has. The level design stays consistently interesting for well over 380(?~) floors (if you're going for True End) which is no small feat, making use of a wide variety of gimmicks and combining them in fun ways to make the game flow always stay steady and enjoyable. The production value is at a very solid level which is supported by the clean visuals, different endings and high level of polish that's gone into making the game feel like a complete game.

Favourite personal stages include the water stages (both Bad and True End) which felt like the water usage was done very satisfyingly, and the Telejump stage which remains one of my favourite gimmicks used in needle for quite some time now. The only gimmick that sometimes got a bit grating was heavy gravity mixed with infinite jump, often when combined with low gravity. The shift between the two made for some very sudden movements that I had a hard time getting accustomed to over the course of the game.

Overall though it's a great game. Just about everyone is familiar with NANG now and has formed their own opinions on it, and I'm glad I finally got around to playing the True End of the game. It's 100% worth it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 65 65
Aug 11, 2018
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