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For: I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy
Extremely high quality needle game. Lots of really creative design that flows well and is fun to play through. Saves are consistently placed intelligently, visuals are attractive but not distracting, and balance is good throughout (both jump to jump and save to save).

I actually replayed all three Uhuhu games recently, and I can honestly say that Galvanized Peppermint Dandy is actually much better than the games it's emulating. This game should be at the top of anyone's list for needle game recommendations.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 55 55
May 3, 2017
For: I wanna break Things into Pieces
Bruh. This game is amazing.


Bursting onto the needle scene, our needle artist starts the player off in an empty room, unaware of the difficult journey that is to come. After the first collapse, the player is tested with ~10 needle screens that slightly increase in difficulty as you progress through the game. In terms of style, the needle is vanilla with your occasional vine, platform, or water jump. There's no unnecessary gimmick except for the collapse, but those screens are not a problem. Nonetheless, the difficult of our needle starts at around 75-78 in terms of difficulty and once again slightly increases until you reach the last screen. At first, youreally tasked with completing some semi-precise needle, nothing intense or hyper-precise. As you progress, your jump window closes, leading to 1/2 or full frame perfect jumps. While this precision might push people away, I welcome the vanilla atmosphere and enjoyed the 20 hours of investment put into the needle. The precision did make some saves more tedious, but overall the difficulty wasn't too overwhelming. I was annoyed with a few jumps (the gate combined with a spike semicircle was extremely annoying and some of the apple ledge timings were hard to figure out) but it wasn't enough to push me away.

Was it the hardest needle I've played. Arguably; C/O/S/M/O and Phonotaxis are the only games that can compete. Would I still recommend it regardless of difficulty? Yes. I will warn you though: know what you're getting into. It's a difficult, but extremely satisfying journey.


A work of art. The avoidance artist obviously knew what they were doing when making such a masterpiece. Primarily RNG with some pattern breaks. Balanced well, usually fair. Going to break it down attack by attack since I believe this for analysis works well with the fight.

Intro (ceiling rng, ceiling black cherry, gray to red background rng): Visually magnificent, but probably the most unfair part of the fight. It's primarily RNG composed in a way that can wall when it wants to. Since this fight is RNG heavy, building consistency is key for success. The intro of this fight can disturb consistency and make what can be an easy/medium fight into a grind (not taking into account final). Overall, not a group of attacks I was fond of.

Limelike (slightly swaying platform with rng from multiple angles): One of my favorite attacks. Challenges the player's reading ability as well as dodging. Finding gaps to dodge through was thrilling and pulling off precise dodges was very satisfying. Very fun in general.

1st patterns (platforming segment, star patterns, aimed white cherries, blue cherry strings): First real break in the fight. After dodging some RNG, the player is granted with some simple patterns that don't take much time to learn. Once you've got them down, it's almost impossible to die to. Nicely placed after around 30-45 seconds of rng. Very good.

Angles BabyRage (blue bouncing with small orange cherries): I'm on the fence regarding this attack. Once again, it tests your reading ability by launching 5 bouncing cherries with small orange cherries that come from the ceiling. At times, the blue cherries are irrelevant since they don't interact with the middle of the screen. However, one bad angle can force you to either side of the screen, which can cause you to run into rng. It's not heavily dependant on the angle of the cherry, but it can disrupt reading and cause the player to come out of their comfort zone. Overall, okay attack.

Gray to Red Round 2: Nothing special here, basically the intro rotated 90 degrees. Less walls so it's easier to pass.

Haunted House Entrance: This attack will stick with me because I was terribly inconsistent at it. Taking a page out of Leehe's book, the small white cherries curve unpredictably and can lead to some pretty sketchy dodges. I was either on or off with this attack. Once again, this fight requires consistency, and my inconsistency here really hurt. However, reading the curves becomes easier with time so it becomes much easier with more experience. Nice attack.

Leeku: 9 platform with a Leek Miku with bitrate ruining background. Leeku launches leeks and apples at you before leaving 4 triangles for you to dodge. The climb is not necessarily rng dependent but if your path is ruined or cut off in any way, it's very hard to recover. Easy attack, but very annoying to die to.

2nd pattern: Free, should never die to it.

I need better hand-eye coordination (zoomed in trigger attack): My least favorite attack. I was so terrible with this. Extremely inconsistent. Moved into a cherry like 100 times. Flipping the screen fucked me up so much, plus it felt like the triggers were off sync with the song. I don't know man, this attack should be free, but I'm dumb and make everything harder on myself. Whatever, good attack, but I wasn't fond of it at all.

Pre-final: Also free once you learn it. Should never die to it if you implement good strats.

Final: Hardest attack (RIP my boy Crimson Kid). Stars and clusters of RNG are launched at you. Angle of stars can kill attempts if you're in the air too early. Would recommend moving under the collapsing floor, just do what crimson kid does before his tragic death. I personally had a better time reading on the floor, but its up to you. After second stars, rng is launched at your for ~30 seconds until the screen fades to white. I consider this "chokeish rng" but after looking back at my clear vid, dodges can get very tight. Do not underestimate this part of the attack. I didn't pay for it but it's best not to get too overconfident (unless you know you won't die to it). Nice ending to the fight, very hard and tense. Very fun as well.

Overall, amazing fight. Arguably the best fight I've cleared.

Aesthetics: Needle is vanilla, so are it's decorations. Game takes place in broken down Guy Tower (loved the Guy room easter egg). Avoidance is beautiful, song is beautiful. EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL.


Fantastic game. Good things wipe out flaws. Would recommend to anyone willing to grind out the needle/needle gods. The avoidance is a worthwhile reward.

By the way, I rated this on my phone, so it was very hard to proofread this. Apologies in advance for any dumb mistakes. Additionally, I was lazy with the end of this review so my prose becomes extremely casual. Not that it matters since I've already said too much, but it's whatever.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 9.6 96       Difficulty: 85 85
May 3, 2017
For: I Wanna be the Zeus
Really fun two screen game which requires many jump cancels. This is the game that got me to learn how to one frame so it has a weird place in my heart. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle JC
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 60 60
May 2, 2017
tutakami [Creator]
For: I wanna Attempted murder
Re-released 2017/5/2

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna be the Crystal
Pretty bad adventure thing consisting of an intro stage followed by seven portals (Each of which contains one or more stages, and a couple individual screens that can't even be called stages at all) that you need to clear in any order before unlocking the last one. Most stages are journeys through sets of gimmicks that always make you think that the game can't get worse than that, even though it always does. When you think that the black-and-white poorly designed needle where you can't tell the spikes apart from the blocks is the worst part of the game, you reach the maze with extremely fast moving platforms that immediately changes your mind. When you think that the slippery ice stage filled with traps, precise maneuvers and fake paths is the rock bottom, the stage with fans that slow you down while you try to avoid traps and execute precise maneuvers will be there to show you that ice isn't even that bad. The few sections that aren't that bad are still filled with generic traps, or simply mediocre, so in the end there isn't a single nice platforming section in the game up until the last stage.
The last stage is alright. It has some creative sections, but also has some poorly designed ones to balance things out, including some hidden saves. Near the end it becomes more needle-ish, with some generic jumps, but nothing terrible.
The bosses are also bad. Most follow the concept of getting harder as the fight goes on, which makes bosses with higher amounts of HP particularly tedious. The last boss follows a different structure, being more learn-y and a bit more decent, although the first phase is mostly standing still and once you kill the boss, the game freezes for a couple seconds to show some dialog windows that must be closed manually, which might lead to uncomfortable situations like the game un-freezing when you least expect while your hand that controls the arrow keys is pressing the Enter button, and then one of the projectiles killing you before your hand is back to its normal position. Specific, but happens more often than it should (It shouldn't happen at all).
When you end up hoping for a mediocre section in a fangame, it's just intuitive how terrible said game is, and that's exactly what happens here. Highly not recommended.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 0.8 8       Difficulty: 57 57
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna be the Critical

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 40 40
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna nurunuru
Hmm.. soso

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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 30 30
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna kill the Needle Games
Review is based on clearing true stage. This game contains 5 stages and 2 extra stages. For the most part the game was very fun to play but some screens were extremely cancer for no reason except to be hard (looking at Orpheus). Stage X and True Stage are where the difficulty spikes and become extremely hard with generic jumps. I highly recommend playing stages 1-5 and possibly stage X but tread with caution when playing true stage.

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Tagged as: Needle Medley
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 90 90
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna be well soon
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 15 15
May 2, 2017
For: I wanna eat the lemon
Cute easy game. The first area is too easy and dull to be interesting even for beginners, but after that it starts to use some more engaging approaches to the platforming. The final area is actually pretty cool! Also, props for using Yoru no Himawari as bgm.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 20 20
May 1, 2017
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