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For: Untitled40
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna climb the Witch's Tower
some very ewe-nique jumps but some rage-inducing ones too haha

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 66 66
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the stunt 2
Tagged as: Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the IF
Tagged as: Needle Trigger
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 83 83
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the GNH
Weird fangame. The first stage looks like one of those particularly bad fangames, with a multitude of invisible blocks and tiles disjointed from their blocks, and a "boss" that consists of a Demo block. The next ones are actually decent platforming stages, with mostly creative and enjoyable sections involving triggers, traps, moving obstacles and straight platforming. The bosses also have some quite creative attacks, and are fairly enjoyable. It doesn't score very high on the visual department, but it's fun to play.
It's nothing particularly great, but it's not really bad either. Would recommend if you don't have anything else to play (As long as you can stomach the first stage, anyway).

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Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 63 63
Apr 21, 2017
For: EchoVision
Short fangame thingy where you play as a cute square that can summon powerful lightwaves with limited charges, which lightens the screen for a couple seconds. The platforming is quite beginner-friendly and although the physics are kinda wonky, the game handles them pretty well. The game also does a great job on explaining how does each gimmick work as they show up (A nicely done tutorial thingy, it's been a while since I saw one). It's pretty short, and its design is pretty simplistic, but simplistic doesn't mean bad.
It's a nice way to spend a couple minutes. Would definitely recommend (Unless the wonky physics turn you off for some reason).

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Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 22 22
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna float in disco
Cute boss, cute song. Not much to say really.

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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 44 44
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna be the Brown animal
Quite fun fangame. Three stages of simple platforming with light-hearted traps and a fun, fair and nicely made RNG boss at the end of each. I find it interesting how some of these traps don't even kill you by themselves, but can still lead you to death if you're in too much of a hurry. The visuals are quite nice, and so are the musics, although the death sound is really annoying.
It's simple, but it's pretty good. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 43 43
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna see the Soundwaves
I like this game's concept. Basically, jumping and shooting releases soundwaves that illuminate the path around the Kid in a small radius. The issue is that the radius is way too small, and the visibility without the soundwaves is literally zero. Even if you ignore that, the platforming itself isn't anything special, most of it is just as generic as it gets. The only good things I can think of about this game are the music, which is calming, and the lack of death sound, which is always welcome, but these alone can't make a fangame good.
It's hardly worth playing, really. The concept is good, but it's very poorly implemented. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 3.1 31       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 21, 2017
For: I wanna Classic
Rating based on beating the true last boss.
Really long and difficult adventure. Features a tutorial stage, two main stages and eight hidden stages, each of which with its own boss and secret items, ending with a brutal boss rush. If you care to get all the secret items, you'll also have access to an extra needle stage that ends in an absurdly lengthy trigger section and the true last boss, a pretty cool avoidance-ish fight filled with interesting attacks and concepts. You'd hardly expect so much from a game that starts like this one does: With a super generic and short needle section whose last screen is really difficult, ending with a lazily done clear screen that doesn't even have a save. It doesn't really matter how far you get in this needle section, since it's a joke stage: As soon as you give up on it and press "Esc" to close the game, the real game starts.
The variety is astonishing. Each stage features its own gimmick, some of which are quite unique, while some are more common, but still well implemented. The stages vary between platforming-oriented and puzzle-oriented, but they are all unique on their own way. The bosses are also quite unique, and most are enjoyable, or at least alright. The last boss is particularly amazing, with a lot of cool concepts involved. When I first saw it, I thought that the sphere attack at the end was going to be the cheapest thing ever, but while playing it, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it's perfectly possible to react to the sphere's sudden changes of direction, as it moves slowly, which makes it a completely fair attack. The visual field is also really well done, with plenty of nice details, like the water splashes when the kid falls in it. Even the stages with simplistic visuals look nice. And finally, the way the main hub is designed is pretty amazing, with secrets hidden at pretty much every suspicious corner (Speaking of which, I like the way the hidden stages are placed, it's more about looking at suspicious triggers and empty sections than jumping at every single wall and hoping that it's a fake one. There are fake walls, but their placement is decently intuitive).
However, as impressively well-made as this game is, it does have its share of negative points. The first one regards the length of the hidden stages. Many stages are way too long, and don't offer enough variety to keep the player entertained all the way through. When you make a long stage in an adventure fangame, you must make up for the length with variety in order to not make a very monotonous stage. This game ignores this principle, and thus the stages end up being as monotonous as they can be, mainly the puzzle ones, where the lack of variety is even more harmful. The only exceptions I can think of are the Dash Jump stage and the Night Cave.
The two hardest segments in the game also happen to be the worst ones by far. First off, we have the boss rush. It forces you to beat 11 bosses in a row, and you can only unlock the last one after beating the other ten. Kirby, Tohno and the Dash Jump boss are the hardest bosses by far, with Tohno being the source of RNG unfairness (As much as it doesn't seem like it, he can lead to situations where his attacks become unavoidable, namely when he gets too close to you and then uses his special attack), while Kirby and the Dash Jump thingy are really precise pattern-ish bosses that are really difficult to get consistent at. Followed by them, there are three (Maybe four) much easier, but still choke-able bosses, and four (Maybe three) literally free ones that are there just to complete the boss rush and waste your time. Once you beat these ten bosses, you unlock Miku, which is the main reason for this boss rush to be simply terrible. Miku is already a bad boss by herself (Pretty much the only boss in the game I can call simply bad, no excuses allowed), due to one luck-based attack in the middle of the fight (And some really difficult ones right afterwards), so it's no surprise that making her the last boss in a 15 minute long Boss Rush makes her a hundred times worse. Pull all of these bosses together, and we have the equivalent of my favorite kind of boss: Wall-y RNG + difficult patterns + A LOT of filler attacks + Much harder RNG attacks at the end (Including a luck-based one), but in a boss that takes 15 minutes to beat. It's absolutely disgusting, but the other peak source of difficulty in the game isn't any better. It's an incredibly long, lag-inducing needle-ish section (Takes around 7 minutes, iirc) with a couple difficult jumps along the way, ending with a corner jump. At least the screen with the corner is disjointed from the rest of the section, which means that the lag goes away when you reach it. Doesn't make up for its existence, but it could be worse. It's still disgusting, though.
Many stages also have their particularities. Mini is filled with screen transition trolls, which gets tiring really quickly, specially when combined with actual traps (Some of which are funny, some of which are not, and some of which should be funny, but are recycled so many times that they can't be called anything other than just annoying). Time Travel features a nice gimmick, and the unavoidable traps are an interesting way of using it...Once. Maybe twice at most. But apparently the maker took a liking for these unavoidable traps, so they end up being a thing through the rest of the stage. Many screens use multiple instances of them, which makes these screens incredibly tedious. Also, the gimmick often breaks when two Kids decide to fight over the "key" item, specially when neither of them is being currently controlled by the player. When that happens, the "key" gets stuck with one or more Kids, and the more you attempt to grab it, the more stuck it'll be. You might as well just reset. RomRoom doesn't have any really bad particularity, but the amount of time it takes to teleport from one side of the screen to another is kinda annoying. And finally, Dash Jump forces you to wait a couple seconds before every attempt, which is quite annoying, specially when the last few screens feature so many traps.
While the hidden stages are quite intuitive to find, the same can't be said about the secrets. Maybe the cats hidden inside the boxes give the player hints, I wouldn't know (If you don't speak japanese, it doesn't really matter anyway), but as far as I know, some of this game's secrets aren't intuitive to find at all. Night Cave, Under and Tutorial feature completely unintuitive placements for their secrets, Dash Jump's secret is hidden in a very cheap spot, and the same goes for Mini's secret. And finally, hiding the secret outside of the stage is a questionable design choice, as it might make the player waste hours looking for a secret that doesn't exist (Naturally, I'm talking about Portal's stage, whose secret isn't placed anywhere near its stage). The only nicely placed secrets are VVVVVV's, Classic's and RomRoom's, whose placement I actually like a lot. However, the secrets' platforming is actually well-made, none of them is poorly designed at all.
The extra needle stage which precedes the really-long-save is pretty much as long as most stages in the game, which makes it overly long for a needle stage (With a really messy difficulty curve), and thus it gets tiring really quickly, but at least the jumps are kinda creative (Although some are kinda annoying to execute).
And finally, a minor complaint: Making a separate process for the background music was probably a bad idea, as it sometimes leads to multiple glitches if you try to mute it/close the process.
As a neutral point, I'd also like to mention the odd difficulty curve. It kinda of flows nicely, each stage having its own difficulty curve, starting out easy and then slowly ramping it up, but then the bosses break it, some being way too easy and some being way too hard compared to the platforming. Then, there are secret items, which are much harder than the normal platforming, just like they should be, and then the boss rush and the really-long-save break the difficulty curve again, as they are much harder than anything that comes afterwards, including the true last boss (Which isn't overly difficult anyway). It's not a negative point by itself, but not a positive either, just something I thought that would be useful to point out.
I'll be honest: I didn't enjoy the vast majority of the time I spent playing this game. The stages got repetitive quickly, learning Kirby's pattern and the Dash Jump boss' pattern was a chore, and the boss rush and the really-long-save were really unfun. However, I can still see people enjoying it. This is a game that constantly tries to kill your motivation with its length, where everything takes a long chunk of time to do. So, if you are willing to spend that time, you might find something to enjoy in it. Still, I personally wouldn't recommend it. I really don't think that it's worth the effort.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Long Puzzle
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Rating: 5.4 54       Difficulty: 85 85
Apr 21, 2017
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