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For: I Wanna Make It Breaking Out
Really long adventure fangame. I had huge hopes for this game, but it didn't take too long for me to lose them. There IS a lot of variety, with 8 normal stages with bosses (Most of them featuring some sort of gimmick, some of them being quite unique), a transition stage with a nice concept, 8 'challenge' stages (Shorter than the normal stages, but harder and with no bosses) where you'll collect fragments to form the door that will lead you to the next area, the classic '5 missions', which consist of two puzzle rooms, a memory game, a needle area and a short avoidance, after which there's a nice-looking avoidance that happens to be the last obstacle between you and Nue Houjuu, the last boss. It's a really cool structure for a fangame to have.
The bosses also feature a fair share of variety. Despite most of them being giant cherries, they often use a nice concept, rather than just being a spam of bullets (Except for the purple cherry boss, that thing has a generic and bad concept from the start). From the cherry with a clock that freezes the game every once in a while, forcing you to pay attention to the fight AND to the clock at the same time, to the pattern-heavy avoidance with some really creative attacks, there's a huge range of bosses that includes a Touhou boss, a Bomberman boss that involves a lot of strategy (And some luck, but we'll get to that later) and the boss the game is mostly known for, Nue, a challenging boss with multiple phases of creative attacks. There aren't two bosses alike.

And now that I (Maybe) got you as hyped as I was when I started playing this, it's time to kill the hype. It's not a hard task. We just need a more detailed description of the game. There IS a lot of variety in the game, but even this much variety doesn't mean a lot if everything the game has to offer is done in the worst possible way. Most stages are a mix of needle sections, traps and gimmicks (Although some of them are exclusively needle or trap stages). The needle sections consist almost entirely of generic jumps, and the non-generic jumps are a chore to execute anyway. The traps are generic or poorly placed (Sometimes being both at the same time), and the saves that use them tend to use excruciating amounts of them. The gimmicks are usually either, bad by themselves or ruined with the help of inconvenient needle jumps or traps. There are also some segments of moving obstacles that require ridiculous amounts of precision with your timing (Often requiring a lot of trial and error to figure out a decent timing). Combine these elements and you have a huge game consisting almost entirely of awful platforming. The cool-looking (If you ignore the unfitting gray spikes, anyway) forest/factory stage (Starts in a forest, ends in a place that looks like factory) with robots? Filled with stupid traps, with a lovely, pointless fake block passage, out of nowhere. Also features the worst segment of moving obstacles in the game, by far. It's probably the worst stage in the game, and one of the worst platforming sections I've ever played in a fangame. The spotlight stage? It's an endless, stupid maze where you just waste your time trying to find the correct way through rooms that loop themselves while suffering the punishment of having your vision field limited by the spotlight gimmick. The transition stage I mentioned earlier? It's the finest example of how to not make needle. Corners, diagonals, some precise sections of moving obstacles, a jump that works exactly like a Super F and the first save has a sphincter after a bunch of filler jumps. The last save is long, and really bad precisely because it's long and filled with choke jumps. The challenge stage that has no saves? It consists of two randomly chosen needle screens in a row, where the first screen is always fairly long and somewhat difficult and the second screen always has a disgusting, difficult needle jump that should never be placed at the end of a no-save section (It's either, a double diamond followed by a diamond that works almost like a double diamond, a downwards corner into an upwards corner or a floor gate into a diagonal where you can't bonk). The challenge stage where pressing shift reverses gravity as well as your controls (Left becomes right, right becomes left)? Actually, just describing the gimmick is probably enough to explain why is this stage so awful. Oh, you can also reverse gravity in mid-air, and the stage forces you to do so multiple times. Particularly disgusting when you need to do a gate jump (Yes, you need to do a gate jump using this gimmick). The 5 missions? The needle mission is generic needle. The memory game (Which works like a rhythm game, but with no rhythm or sound cue involved) is incredibly long and boring, featuring a sequence of 10 movements by the end, requiring either, crazy good memory or a pen and paper. The puzzle with the keys, featured in Kamilia 2, while having a cool concept, ends up being a spam of downwards diagonals whose only purpose is to add some difficulty to the puzzle. The other two missions are alright, I guess (The puzzle with two kids is nice, and the 'avoidance' mission isn't bad, just nothing worth mentioning). And don't worry, the other stages are hardly any better, I just didn't mention them to not make this review overly long. The only playable stages are the Bomberman stage, the 'guy rock' stage (AKA the trap stage), the challenge stage where you have the aid of two Touhou characters and the stage whose gimmick consists of freezing the player for a couple seconds. Some of these stages do have their share of bad stuff, but overall they are alright. Everything else is just bad platforming with one or two cool saves here and there.
The bosses are...Worse. Miku, that one pattern-heavy avoidance with creative attacks, is filled with patterns that are complicated to understand and to execute. Takes a long while to get 10 seconds worth of progress in the fight. It gets boring really quickly. The only RNG attacks in the fight are luck-based. The Purple Cherry is one of those incredibly boring bosses that start out really easy and get ridiculously hard towards the end of the fight. Bad concept, particularly bad in a fight where the projectiles can come out of the floor. Basically, when you shoot the boss, it generates a purple cherry that looks exactly like it. These new purple cherries can block projectiles and go through the walls. The boss does have invulnerability frames, but even if you shoot it while it is invulnerable, it will still generate a purple cherry for every bullet that hits it. Near the end of the fight, it's really tough to avoid the projectiles while trying to find out which one of them is the boss (Spamming the shoot button aimlessly is obviously a bad idea). The Green Cherry is a perfect example of how to not make a spotlight boss (I still don't know what is the last attack, I simply see the projectiles and hope that there's a way to dodge them). The Touhou-themed boss, while mostly nice, is entirely ruined by an unpleasant luck-based attack (The third to last attack, to be more specific) and an awful last attack that lasts for too long for no reason at all. The Bomberman boss, while being more strategic than it's given credit for, is still luck-based. If it decides to blow an instantaneous bomb near you while you're surrounded by mines, there's nothing you can do about it. The blue cherry is luck-based, but the luck factor doesn't come from its attacks. You simply won't damage it if the boss doesn't feel like taking damage, specially during the last attack, where you could spend minutes waiting for a platform to appear at the right place, finally allowing you to damage the boss...Once. It's disgusting. The pink cherry, the boss that borrows attacks from the previous cherry bosses (Or at least pretends to do so, since some of the attacks have nothing to do with the original boss), is actually decent, if you ignore the fact that green is a filler attack and if you forget that the fight always ends with serious possibilities of being walled by the gray cherry attack. The white cherry and the cherry with the clock are actually nice bosses, although the white cherry is a bit too easy compared to everything else in the game.
The avoidance that precedes Nue is awful. It consists of almost 5 minutes of pattern and RNG. Every single attack lasts for a looong while, specially the attacks near the end of the fight, two of which last for one minute each. There's a luck-based attack in the first half of the fight that is really easy to recognize and to hate, and I still don't know if there's a consistent way to dodge the penultimate attack of the fight, given the projectiles' speed. The pattern attacks aren't too difficult to understand or execute, their only task is to be fillers, and maybe kill you once or twice while they are at it. The worst part is that this boss lasts for 5 minutes for absolutely no reason at all. Rainbow Miku's extra boss is much longer than this, and I didn't get tired of it as fast. It's not just the length, it's bad design. Dying near the end of the fight and knowing that you'll have to redo everything from the beginning is really painful.
And finally, Nue. If you know it from the Kamilia 2 version, you should probably forget that version, the original (The one in this game) is quite different and even worse. Not only the cheap, hard to learn pattern is still there, but the other attacks are entirely different, for the worse. They are certainly creative, but that doesn't mean that they are good, and doesn't make the boss any fun. Repeated attacks, filler attacks and the cheap pattern near the end of the fight, combined with actually decent, but difficult attacks, make this a really questionable boss. At least the game gives you a HP bar that allows you to take 2 hits before dying in an attempt to make up for the bad pattern, which doesn't make the boss much better, but does make the pattern slightly more bearable to learn.
Mostly cool visuals, nice musics, but you won't get to hear much of them because they restart every time you die. Niice.
This looks like it could have been an amazing fangame, but ended up being awful instead due to poor design choices. It's always sad to see one of those. Highly not recommended.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Long Puzzle
[11] Likes
Rating: 1.7 17       Difficulty: 75 75
Oct 8, 2016
For: I wanna kill the Guy
Platforming, puzzles and bosses was awesome, very good song choice. Would recommend if you never played fangames before.

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[0] Likes
Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 8, 2016
For: I wanna Advent
Rating doesn't include extra, pretty good needle game

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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 48 48
Oct 8, 2016
For: I wanna be the Agnosia
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 83 83
Oct 8, 2016
For: I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2
Pretty good and medley game with nice bosses, neat stages and not so good Boss Rush (Graviman and crimson really annoying and shitty)
Also, some screen choices was terrible (Tribute, dieary)

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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 82 82
Oct 8, 2016
For: I wanna reach the Ark
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 40 40
Oct 8, 2016
For: I wanna be the Twaddle
Absolutely awful. I only got to screen 3 of '1' but I wanted to kill myself. Repetitive and awful jumps and terrible traps. Do not play!

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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 64 64
Oct 7, 2016
For: I wanna touch my noodle
Tagged as: Needle Goner_Game
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 7, 2016
Zorgo [Creator]
For: I wanna be the Doner
Tagged as: Trash
[2] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 7, 2016
For: I wanna challenge 100 trials!!
Incredible 100 Floor Game.

Absolutely perfect for beginners to fangames. In fact it is so good I would recommend that any new fangamer start with this fangame! The difficulty curve is amazing, the level design is amazing and the graphics are amazing!

Unfortunately the game does fall flat with its bosses. Especially the godawful final boss. Other than that though this is excellent.

A must-play for fangamers of any skill-level (even experts!)

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Tagged as: 100_Floor x_Floor
[0] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 18 18
Oct 7, 2016
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