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For: I wanna bounce around in funny land
Pro Tip: don't move

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Rating: 0.1 1       Difficulty: 0 0
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna be the Alphabet
i like this game! very good!

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna be the Azusa stage
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Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 1 1
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna be the Growing!
Cute avoidance with mostly easy RNG and plenty of pattern attacks. If an attack seems like it's way too fast for you to avoid normally, the answer is probably hugging the wall, and that's how the whole fight works, with exception for one attack where cherries 'explode' at the four corners of the screen at the same time (It's not hard to avoid, but depending on your reflexes, reacting quickly enough might be really annoying).
Quite fun, cute music, unusual attacks, mostly fair. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 32 32
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna finally fair
Short fangame that could be part of an incredibly good adventure game, if it lasted longer than 2 saves. Fun platforming, cool visuals and music, nice design and no remarkable flaws. The only issue I have with it is that it's just way too short to actually be anything other than a teaser. Would recommend.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 37 37
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna feel the Season
Fun adventure with a fair share of issues that stop it from getting a higher rating. First off, many stages don't give the feeling of the season that they represent. One of Winter's gimmicks, for example, involves the use of fake blocks. The could make a lot of sense, if it looked like the player broke the ice that he was stepping at, or if the block was a thin layer of snow that couldn't sustain the player's weight, or anything like that, but no, the blocks simply disappear when the player touches them, and reappear once the player gets out. That doesn't make any sense. This isn't the only time where something like this happens in the game, there are lots of gimmicks unrelated to the stages' themes. There are some gimmicks that remind you that you're playing a season-themed fangame, but they are quite rare. Even the visuals don't help too much with that, many stages don't even look like they are representing any season , and I only realized what were they representing once I saw the credits. So, yeah, no points for immersion.
Speaking of visuals, this game is a real mixed bag when it comes to that. Some stages are really cute-looking, but some are a huge disaster. The Summer Stage has some of the worst-looking stages in the game.
When it comes to the platforming itself, I can say that I enjoyed most of it. But some gimmicks and design choices are really annoying. Stuff like putting a casual downwards water diagonal at one of Winter's saves, making an extremely weird puzzle on Autumn's stage and not explaining how does it work, using invisible spikes and mirrored saves on different screens to make a memory game that very few people might actually like to play on Summer's stage, forcing the player to walk through a fair share of nothing for every attempt against Winter's boss and the last boss, and the list goes on.
And finally, the bosses. Most of them are good, or at least decent. Kirby was particularly interesting, although it used way too much RNG. Same goes for the last boss. But Winter's boss is horrible. It's the only pattern boss in the whole game, and it forces you to get through that pattern 3 times in a row. And the first attack requires an annoyingly precise timing, which you need to get right three times in a row, just like every single attack that this thing uses. You damage him in a very weird way, as well. There's not a single RNG attack in this fight either. The whole fight is boring as hell.
Even so, I still like this game, more or less. As I said before, most of the platforming is enjoyable, with some interesting gimmicks and a fair share of interesting jumps. Musics are cool (Just like the visuals, some fail on representing their stages), and most of the bosses are decent-ish, with some cool concepts. There aren't many traps, but most of them are really interesting (Spring's spikes popping out of nowhere were really funy, and one of the very few parts of the game that reminded me of what I was playing). And overall, the game was enjoyable, although I didn't really feel any season at all. Would recommend, maybe.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Puzzle
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Rating: 6.6 66       Difficulty: 59 59
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna be the 練習
A couple tricky jumps for a beginner followed by a generic easy boss. It sucks

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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna be the Flow
Nice game with nice platforming and easy bosses.

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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 23 23
Oct 26, 2015
For: Not Another Needle Game
its ok i guess

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 26, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Lovegood
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 90 90
Oct 25, 2015
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