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For: I wanna be the sleeping sickness
I'm not sleepy, but this game made me sick. There are two stages, both with some unbalanced difficulty curve, and both stages consisting of only one screen. Each stage has one boss, and these bosses are the main reason for this game to be so hard. The first boss can be defeated more easily with a glitch (It's so easy to pull off that I wonder if it's even a glitch), but that's still not enough to make it easy. The second boss has a huge amount of attacks, and they connect very well. She unlocks attacks as her HP decreases, and as such, she gets more and more unpredictable. Some attacks are simply impossible to dodge when connected, and some are way too hard. Both are extremely luck-based.
The only thing I liked in this game was, perhaps, the second stage. Two saves of needle segments with nice visuals. The bosses were too luck-based to be enjoyable (They might have been fun, if their attacks were just a bit more balanced) and the first stage was boring. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 61 61
Apr 28, 2015
For: Not Another Needle Game
Objectively, it's the best fangame ever made. Incredible production, tons of content, flawless level design, unique gimmicks (teleporting): this is what all fangames should focus on. The difficulty curve is pretty much perfect as well, especially in the last version.
However, I didn't have much fun playing the game, or at least not as much as I appreciated its technical aspects. The teleporting/telejumping levels are really well thought-out, but they were a bit of a hassle to play through. The trials are lovely when you watch people clear them on stream, but they remain a bit frustrating for me. I'm not fond of gimmicks in general, though, so this might explain my "low" rating and feeling about the game, compared to other reviews. Make sure to try and finish it anyway, as it's a truly important fangame that I can recommend to everyone.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Long Story x_Floor Triple_Jump
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna escape the Space
3-rooms fangame with a boss. The needle rooms, although super short and small, were interesting to play through. The boss was just 3 apples firing 75 waves of apples really fast at you. I'd recommend playing the game only for the tiny needle part which isn't really hard and stopping right at the boss.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss Short
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 41 41
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna be the OD
Cool slow-paced avoidance game. Theres alot of pattern attacks thats fun to learn. Some attacks are alot of harder than the rest which makes the rest of the attacks boring and lame. If you like slow-paced avoidances this game is definitely something I recommend, if you don't like slow-paced avoidances; don't touch it. I don't like this game alot due to its length, it was fun for 2 hours, then it became a grind, a really long boring grind.

The game is public, you can find the download on you's nico page.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
Apr 28, 2015
For: I Wanna Graduate From DT
A game with alot of traps. The bosses are pretty bad except the final avoidance, it's really pattern heavy and the attacks are pretty nice looking.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Trap Boss
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 30 30
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna be the Skyclad
A few stages with some creative gimmicks. There are lots of traps but I don't find them that annoying to be honest, there are usually not that many. The bosses are decent, the attacks are a bit generic which makes it kind of boring and not so memorable. The final boss is really fun and rng heavy, it's not that difficult either.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna be the Green Moon
The gameplay is decent. I don't think the game is that much fun because of the bosses, they're not that great and the final boss is really dumb because of it's rng attacks.

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Tagged as: Trap Boss
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 34 34
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna Bread
Short fangame that's quite interesting. Split into 3 stages, it features some nice gimmicks and fun bosses. Two nice gimmicks, two fun bosses. The left path is the flawed part of the game. It has an annoying RNG-based gimmick and the way that the moving spikes are used is just meh. Plus, there is Toast, an annoying avoidance with more RNG and some attacks that are just beyond unfair. The other paths are very fun (The adventure stage is funny, and the suffering stage has a very cool gimmick), and their bosses are more fair and interesting. Suffering has quite a few shortcuts that probably shouldn't be there, though.
The visuals are good, the musics are very good, and the death sound is low. If you don't bother about finishing games, you can just do the right and the lower path, and you'll have finished the best part of the game. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Gimmick
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna beat the Spikes
Rating doesn't include extra because those jumps don't sound very friendly to me.
Interesting needle trials fangame. I've been stuck somewhere close to the end for quite a long time, so I'm not really sure about the length, but the readme file says that there are 50 rooms, so I'll go with that. There are quite a few tough jumps (Including a downwards plane with corners, but don't worry, you can save jump, which makes your life a lot easier), and some of them are quite uncommon. The visuals and the music are nice (The music doesn't restart and the death sound is low, by the way). Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.6 56       Difficulty: 54 54
Apr 28, 2015
For: I wanna Galvanize 82 mermaids
Short fangame. A few screens of traps, weird needle placing and troll-ish stuff. The traps aren't too generic, and I actually liked the 'needle' sections. Plus, the death sound is low. Not something I would recommend, but it's not bad.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Special
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 21 21
Apr 27, 2015
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