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For: I wanna kill the Blue Mage
A sweet medly game imo. I liked most of the game except for the megaman death sound :(yes i died alot). Looking forward for what you have planned for the future.

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Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 74 74
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 3
This one has four stages instead of the usual three, it starts with a generic stage but the next ones are pretty good. The bosses are fun, specially the second to last one.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 1
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 2
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 40 40
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna beat the Cactus jump
I would rather jump into a real cactus.

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Tagged as: Needle One_jump
[29] Likes
Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna be the TTN
Cool fangame. I saw one screen taken from another fangame (I don't even know which one, this has appeared in so many games already...Rubber Trap...Design...Singularity...I wonder why is this is screen so famous), but since it's only one I don't think I should tag it as a medley.
Back to the game, I liked the traps and the moving enemies, it was kinda cool. For some reason, I couldn't really enjoy this game too much, though. About the bosses, well, they don't fit well at my definition of fun. The first one is like Chinsaku from Novelty, but with less HP and weaker attacks. Still forces you to wait before attacking, though. And the HP is lower, but it's still a bit high. The second one is fought on the sky, at circle-moving platforms. If you fought against enough bosses like this one, you can guess where is this going.
I don't know, this game is nicely made for the most part (Design screen was kinda annoying, like in every other game that tries to use it) and I don't have a real reason to say "don't play it". I simply didn't have much fun with it.

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Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 43 43
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 2
I didn't expect the quality of the series to raise so much on the second game.
Like the previous one, this game has 3 stages. Each of them has a specific theme, and the same goes for the bosses. The traps are far, far better than in the first one (Stage 2 is the best when it comes to that). There are also some fresh new gimmicks (Stage 3), turning the game into something more puzzle-ish, and there is one stage particularly blessed with incredibly greatly awesome visuals, which turns to be Stage 2. The bosses are a hit-or-miss. Stage 1's boss is the miss, very tedious compared to the ones in the previous game. Stage 2's 'boss' is very fun, as you have to deal with lots of different enemies and surprises. The last boss was particularly catchy because of the screen that turns crimson as his HP lowers. Very cool fight.
The bosses don't get even close to the ones in the previous game when it comes to the difficulty, but the platforming is pretty much harder. Very cool game overall. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna be the TTN
Gameplay: 5/10
Music: 3/10
Production Value: 3/10
Genre: Adventure

Interesting little game. The platforming is a little too trolly for me, and both bosses are annoying.
I kinda wish it was longer though because I had a bit of fun playing.

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Tagged as: Trap Short
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 25, 2015
For: I wanna play the Needle game
Interesting and fun needle game with some original level design. The floor and the spikes are lines, and at some screens (Mainly at the last stage) they are designed in a way that makes use of all of the screen, using the same spikes as obstacles above, below and even at both sides some times. The jumps are well-designed as well and quite original for the most part. I honestly didn't expect this game to be so good, but here it is. Would definitely recommend for needle game lovers (Warning: Align knowledge required at some screens, don't trust the aligns that the game gives you for eveything).

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 68 68
Mar 24, 2015
For: I wanna be the Infinity dungeon
No effort was put into the music. After a while, the screen gets pretty laggy as well. Impossible patterns also like to appear on hard mode. No real special gimmicks other than basic needling which is still pretty easy.

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 24, 2015
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