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Joined on: Sep 1, 2017

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4 Reviews

For: I wanna be the Sicher Beste 2
Recommended game to play. short explained, not generic and has some nice visuals in it. You could definetly see there is production value in it. tho, there are some minor things that couldve been better, i would say this is well made for a 2nd fangame.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 56 56
Mar 5, 2018
For: I wanna Courage
can not find the invinsible spike with zoom on 1200% (1st save)

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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 23, 2017
For: I wanna Elecspike
idk, needle starts of hard, stage 4 is fun, boss is in any case nessecary retarded ~ 24 hours of grinding, 2/3 completed (hardest parts)

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 92 92
Sep 27, 2017
For: I wanna defeat the Discord Makers
note: Review is based on completing 8/16 areas so far. Some of those still have to be played on cur ver.

review is based only about certain topics, rating is based on overall fun, difficulty status is: 1 = not a problem, 10 = mentally destroying.

Whiteshadow area: (1.01 ver) Pretty good. visuals are neat, probably by far one of the easier areas. the only thing bothering were the save balances somtimes, not off by far. most of the jumps are pretty generic tho.

rating: 8/10
difficulty: 1/10

Haegoe area: (1.01 ver) I can't say it's bad, neither it's good. the first thing bothering me is the first save in screen 1. The fact is, your spending seconds getting to the first jump. The tileset could've been a bit brighter, near impossible to see where you're standing. Save balances is the biggest issue to discuss, 10 minute saves to an 2,5 hour save, excuse me? Speaking in general, this area needs improvement would it be worthable to play. A greater part is generic.

ofcourse, the review will be changed if I played on 1.02 .

rating: 4/10
diffulty: between 1 - 2.5/10 (last save 4/10)

Oyo area: (1.01 ver) Good. First thing noticable are how perfecto the background, tileset (fady w/ background?) is. the negative things about this area starts with, the save balances. last screen = free except for never ending diagnal save? First huge dissapointment, since everything was fun to play. more than 70% is generic (40% consists out of diagnals) good stuff but whatever. Other than that this area isn't to bad.

rating: 6.8/10
dificulty: 2.5/10

Zechul area: (1.01 ver) Kreygasm. Imo the best one so far. The style of some of the precise jumps reminds me of something rz kinda like. A greater part consists of ungeneric jumps which makes this area extremely interesting to play. Save balances are almost perfect balanced and Tileset + background fits together (if it's not your own still a great pick)

rating: 9.5/10
difficulty: 2.5/10

17Years area: (cur ver) Not to bad. Known for having a secret 5 room. Consists out of 2 rooms, 1st room is in particular the more interesting one. The grey theme isn't to bad, save balances are okay. it would've been better if the 2nd room was so tedious as if it were now. 3 rooms of doing absolutely nothing? If I'd give you advise, to make it more interesting, delete atleast the first 2 screens and add an additional buffed room.

rating: 4.5/10
difficulty: 4.3/10

Pdplayer area: (cur ver) Idk, not my style. Probably 90% is generic and isn't really interesting. Save balances are good, except for a few ones which are a quadrillion times more difficult. Visuals are ok, not distracting. Background + tileset and moving grid fits together. Theres not much to say more about this generic jumps should be changed to something uncommon.

rating: 3.5/10
difficulty: 1.5 - 3/10

Shinobu area: (cur ver) Good. Style is rukito, especially noticable about the triggers. Tileset, background + moving grid is an okay pick, showing the same rukito style. Save balances isn't the best, the generic jumps could've been lower, but the mix up between some more noteveryday things would probably let you forget about that concerns. (Moving grid could be distracting)

rating: 7.5/10
difficulty: 3.7/10

Stonk area: (cur ver) Good. The 1st screen makes some cool uses, of platform, water, vine combination jumps which are fun to learn. Needle is not that generic, difficulty curve between screens are wierd. Visuals are neat, except they get distracting after some time. The background and outline = perfect.

rating: 7.5
difficulty: 5.8/10

Opinion so far: Pretty fun, worthable to play. Recommended if you have some determination and experience.

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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 95 95
Sep 1, 2017
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4 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O 91.0 9.0
I wanna & 65.0 6.5
I wanna defeat the Discord Makers 95.0 8.1
I Wanna Get Rid Of The Fake Ass Bitches 57.0 9.2