14 Reviews:
Got this while played K2Mania.
That was my nightmare. Awful pattern avoidances, bad platforming with restarting music, unfair bosses. Worst game from this creator
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That was my nightmare. Awful pattern avoidances, bad platforming with restarting music, unfair bosses. Worst game from this creator
Rating: 0.5 5
Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 30, 2018
There's a lot of cool ideas in the stages/bosses, but most of them are executed very bad, unfortunately.
The only part that I can recommend (a bit) to the others is the final miku, but it's not worth it.
I had fun with the game personally, but that's just me. Just consider that this game came out in 2011 november.
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The only part that I can recommend (a bit) to the others is the final miku, but it's not worth it.
I had fun with the game personally, but that's just me. Just consider that this game came out in 2011 november.
Rating: 5.8 58
Difficulty: 72 72
Jan 27, 2016