I Wanna See You Suffer

Creator: UltraJDude

Average Rating
2.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
89.9 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Trap (4) Boss (2) suffering (1)


  • by NightShark115
  • by MooMooArmageddon

13 Reviews:

This is my favorite game to give to irl friends when they ask about the games I play, just to see them react to the beginning. More fangames should do that kind of thing. Even though I've played a bunch of high level needle, I've never seen anything else give off the same feeling of intense hatred as that which emanates from this game. Also, the boss is pretty fun.

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[12] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 78 78
Jan 20, 2018
This 13 seconds video will sums up everything.

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[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 1, 2019
The reimagining of the decade.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 8, 2021
It's meant to be as cancerous as possible, and it succeeds in that. This game has everything you hate about fangames in general. I don't understand the hype, and never will. I suppose it's because JMan made it, but that's the only reason I can think of. This is obviouslyb garbage and I wouldn't recommend to anyone, even for true masochists who seek challange. There are far more challanging games than this, and they are a lot better.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap
[3] Likes
Rating: 0.9 9       Difficulty: 92 92
Sep 14, 2015
Happil before Happil was a thing. This game only caters to true masochists. It is beatable, but why even bother? Level design is atrocious and unfun, it contains invisible block mazes and invisible spikes (the latter being the most retarted thing in fangames ever), it also has dead ends if you choose the wrong paths.

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Tagged as: Trap
[3] Likes
Rating: 0.2 2       Difficulty: 90 90
Aug 25, 2015